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No. Jeans.

It’s sunny out, better go with a skirt.

No. Shorts!

A dress maybe?

Stella, like most girls preparing to go on a date, had her entire wardrobe tossed around her room. She paced her room and went through every possible combination of outfits she could muster. She stood in the middle of her room, her hair still wrapped in a towel as she thought about what choice would be best for the breakfast date that happening in an hour.

An hour.

That wasn’t nearly enough time. She let out a frustrated noise from her lips, threw her hands in the air, and she stomped off to her bathroom to put on her makeup and fix her hair. As she stood in the mirror and carefully applied her makeup Stella thought about how the day would go and began reliving all the nerves she felt from the night before when she saw that text from Liam. She knew that wherever they met it had to be somewhere new, somewhere she had never taken Liam in the dreamscape; breakfast was perfect.

Stella felt anxious when she looked at the clock and saw the minutes ticking down till she needed to leave. She grew angry at her hair and cursed quietly to herself as her honeyed locks lay in waves around her face, flat, and uncooperative. She knew she was running out of time and still needed an outfit; she couldn’t meet him in just her underwear.

As she left the restroom Stella gathered a few of her favorite pieces of clothing and slipped them on. Soon her outfit was complete: a simple black tank that was woven intricately in the back, khaki shorts, and a pair of gladiator sandals. She wished she was wearing something dressier but remembered that they simply were two people meeting for breakfast. He wasn’t an international superstar, and she wasn’t just a spacey girl from San Diego. They were two people who were meant to cross paths and Stella knew that fate’s design was never wrong.  As she looked at herself one last time in the mirror, she smiled. She looked like Stella, and that was good enough in her book.

Once the sun crept through Liam’s bedroom he had a smile on his face. He woke up with a bounce in his step and sang while he showered. He was the happiest he had felt in a few weeks. Unlike Stella, his process of getting ready for their meet up was far easier. He picked out a gray t-shirt and jeans and threw on a pair of sunglasses to complete the outfit. Liam checked himself out the bathroom mirror one last time, running his hand over the soft stubble on top of his head.

Just as Liam was about to leave the bathroom Niall’s head poked itself inside the door frame.

“G’morning!” He grinned, the braces sparkling just slightly as the light from the bathroom bounced off the metal.

“Morning,” Liam replied cheerfully.

“You gonna see Stella now, yeah?” Niall asked as he moved to rest his whole body against the door frame.

Liam nodded and shoved his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. “Yeah, we’re getting breakfast at a place down the road. I’m gonna take the escalade just in case it gets a little crazy.” Liam said as he shifted his weight back and forth.

“Nervous?” Niall asked as his arms crossed over his chest, he was still in his pajamas and was slightly disheveled from his night’s sleep.

Liam let out a soft chuckle and nodded, the smile he held spread from ear to ear. “Of course, but I’m more excited than anything.”

“Cool man, good luck with that.” He said before moving away from the bathroom door, allowing Liam to exit. “Remember what Harry said, no expectations.” He gave the other male a firm nod and exhaled a deep breath.

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