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It’s amazing how falling can make you feel so many different emotions. It can make your heart race, pumping adrenaline through your body and raising your endorphins. It can mean that you are losing yourself to your heart by falling in love. You can be scared but find humor in the things that you fear.

Then there’s the kind of falling you feel in the pit of your stomach. The kind that you can’t stop when you know something is desperately wrong. It hits your core and creates a pit in your soul, sucking your heart in and holding it tightly in its clutches.

Stella was feeling that last one right about now.

Kelly had sent her a text with a few links to some of the gossip blogs; her picture was their headline news.

Mystery Girl Steals Liam Payne’s Heart (Pictures Below!)

San Diego Author Entrances British Heartthrob!

Did Liam Payne Get Matching Tattoos with New Girlfriend?

Danielle Peazer Speaks Out About Stella McBride!

Stella scrolled through each link and saw pictures of Liam and her as they stood in the hallway of Billy’s tattoo shop, Liam leading her through the lobby of the shop and up the stairs. There was even pictures of Liam standing in the loft, his face hard at first then soften as he returned to sit on the couch where Stella’s form could faintly be seen. The ones of her, Liam, and Zayn leaving the shop were the worst through. Stella looked miserable in the pictures and was clinging to Liam.

She read each article, cringing at what these people were saying. Some even had sources claiming they knew Liam and Stella! She was so disgusted by this type of journalism and as a writer herself couldn’t stand it.

What disgusted her even more was that she couldn’t stop reading; it was all she could do. She sat huddled in one of Liam’s sweatshirts in the dining room of the beach house, her fingers meticulously scrolling through her screen. It was then that she decided to check her twitter; if the gossip rags caught wind of her she knew that there would be traces of it on there.

Sure enough there were several thousand new followers and what seemed like even more mentions. She reluctantly opened it, knowing that she was only allowing that pit in her soul to open even further to swallow her whole.  

@Stella_McB Are you seriously dating @Real_Liam_Payne? #famewhore

@Stella_McB Who said you could dig your claws into @Real_Liam_Payne? #teampayzer

I bet @DaniellePeaser could kick @Stella_McB’s ass.

@Real_Liam_Payne You could do so much better than @Stella_McB

Stella read, and kept reading. It continued, the hate, the name-calling; there were only a few positive tweets scattered within the layers of mean messages. Stella could feel tears welling in her eyes as the hole inside her grew larger and larger. How could people be so mean to someone they barely knew? How could people be so judgmental and cold-hearted to Stella when all she wanted to do was be with someone she cared about?

She finally felt a wet trail slide down her cheek, then the other; she was crying and she didn’t know how to stop it. She wasn’t one to cry; it wasn’t that she was desensitized or unable to feel emotion, but that it took a lot to bring her to that point. She was the light-hearted, carefree, all-loving individual and she figured it was better to put her efforts into being happy then being sad.

“You shouldn’t read into that too much, y’know?” A husky voice echoed off the black walls of the kitchen into the dining room causing Stella to drop her phone and quickly wipe under her eyes. She looked over her shoulder and saw Harry leaning against the kitchen counter in nothing but a towel.

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