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Six years later

"Your parents would be so proud of you," Hazel told Eliza as the girl smiled back at her. She had unshed tears in her eyes but nodded happily. The three faint jagged lines next to her eye were a constant reminder of the battle against the invaders that had cost her mother's life, but she had tried to save her, and at least had been able to avenge her death at the paws of the same wolf that had killed her father.

"We're proud of you too, you've done so well," Karano reminded her. "We both love you so much!"

"I love you too. Thanks for being my second parents, I couldn't have done it if you weren't there for me."

Indeed, the aftermath of the battle had been rough. The pack had come out of it pretty well, though they were so small and tight knit that every death hit hard. Maria hadn't been there long, but she had quickly become a favorite. Her friend Oscar, who had just come from the Black Tooth pack also fell, though another friend named Sable had been the one to pry the attacking wolf off Wesley's ruined ankle and was his second chance mate. The pack also lost a man named Diego, who had run one of the other airboats. He had been one of the wolves attacking from the rear, and just hadn't had enough surprise on his side.

Maria's last friend, Julia, had barely turned 17, and took a while to adapt to the pack. She'd been terrified to stay in the old pack, as several wolves had told her they were going to challenge whichever wolf turned out to be her mate so they could take her. She hadn't even found her mate yet and knew they were doomed to die, so she had jumped at the chance to run. Obviously, she was much happier with the South Glades Pack after things settled down, but she still felt a little isolated. When she turned 18 though, she found her mate was a human living over in Miami, and while it took a little time, he joined the pack and became a wolf to live among them. He had an adjustment period, and was still in college, but they were happy and in love.

There were good aspects of the battle as well. For instance, the gators around the swamp were very full when the 28 attackers' bodies had been dumped out there, and the pack now had six new vehicles at their disposal. Paul knew some people with not so pristine backgrounds, and arranged for the sale of four of them, keeping the two best SUVs for the pack, and forged the transfer of two of their titles so that the pack had better cars for errands and for Uber runs.

The extra cash helped, as there were always expenses.

For instance, a sperm donor, which helped Hazel carry a child for the couple, and gave them a daughter named Lucia, that they doted on day and night. She was only two now, but was really getting into things, but they loved her to death. 

Wesley had retired from being the Alpha, as he would always walk with a limp thanks to the torn ligaments in his ankle, and had turned the duties over to Karano, with Hazel as her Luna. Everyone agreed that it was the best course of action, and while they were nervous, the women took on the responsibility with a good amount of dedication. One of the first things they did was arrange for everyone to get martial arts training. As they saw in the last battle, most of the fights devolved into one on one battles, and by getting everyone some better training and a fitness regimen, that helped a lot. They would be much better prepared if anything like that happened again. Not that it was likely, they'd never heard anything from the Black Tooth pack in all the years since their Alpha had perished in the swamps.

Jack had withdrawn back into his shell after the loss of his mother, and it took several months before they got him to open up again. He was still quiet to most people except his adoptive family, but was doing better. Eliza hadn't withdrawn, but she was very much a wild child. Even without her wolf, she was getting into all kinds of mischief, and Karano and Hazel knew that whoever her mate was would have their hands full!

But first, she needed her wolf, and that was what tonight was about. The first full moon after her thirteenth birthday. Her wolf had been oddly quiet, though she did report that soft and soothing whispers were there, they just needed to fully manifest. The pack was all gathered around a big bonfire, ready to cheer her on and howl at the moon in celebration with her.

Eliza hopped up and down a little, trying to stay loose as she kept trying to talk to her wolf. Perhaps an hour after sunset, the time was right. The moon crested the trees, and Eliza sank to all fours with a gasp. The excited murmurs started, and Karano quickly moved over to her, whispering in her ear for support as she started to shift. Bones crunched as she whimpered a little at the first change. Karano was impressed though. Her first shift had hurt like a bitch, and she knew she'd cried a little during it. Eliza seemed determined to grit it out though, and soon a massive white wolf, with tufted black ears and forepaws was standing before them.

Hazel's eyes bulged as she saw the wolf though, as it was decidedly not a female!

Both Karano and Hazel were quick to link with the new wolf though.

"Hello! I'm one of Eliza's adoptive mothers. Who are you, fine wolf?"

"You are a good mother to my baby, as is your mate. My name is Cobium, and I used to be the wolf of her father. I have been reborn in my daughter, who will have my strength and guidance going forward."

The women shared a look, then nodded to each other. It wasn't unheard of for wolves to be reborn into the same family's lineage, though usually It skipped several generations. This was unusual also because a male wolf didn't often manifest within a girl, but it was obviously possible. It seemed as though Eliza might have quite the future.

"Welcome, Cobium, wolf to Eliza! You're a part of this pack and we celebrate with you!" Karano broadcast over the pack link. In seconds, everyone was shifting, and joined their voices in a chorus of howls at the full moon.

The party lasted for hours, until Karano and Hazel had to get Lucia to bed. They let Jack and Eliza stay up a little with them watching some movies and snuggling. Eliza, once she'd shifted back, couldn't stop smiling, and now Jack was all excited, hoping for his wolf too.

"Maybe I'll get mom's wolf!" he whispered excitedly.

"I hope so!" Eliza told him. "It's like having a little bit of dad back again, and it would be amazing if you could get mom's wolf too."

The family snuggled together with Lucia in Hazel's arms after she woke up due to their laughter. They didn't mind, it was always the perfect way to end the night, all of them together. Yes, they all still missed Maria, and the kids missed their dad, but they all loved and supported each other nonetheless. It wouldn't last forever, the kids would grow up and go off to college, maybe even move away if they found their mate in a different pack, but they would still be a family.

"I love you, bebita," Karano whispered to her lovely wife.

"And I love you, bebé." Hazel leaned over and nuzzled her neck. "Maybe when these little ones get to bed, we can have some time for us."

"Ahem!" Eliza called over to them. "I have wolf hearing now! Don't be gross!"

Karano chuckled, then kissed Hazel lightly before giving her a little nod that Eliza wouldn't hear. "Anything for mi amor."

"And I wanna go catch a snake!" Eliza reminded them. "You said not till I have my wolf, and I have my wolf now!"



A/N - And that is it for now! Short and sweet. But, there is always a good chance (like 100%) that we'll see Eliza getting her own story in the future, so maybe some of these characters will be back! In the meantime, I have more gxg books (Fantasy/Supernatural/Sci Fi and lots of Romance) than I can keep track of, so feel free to take a look!

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