Chapter 1

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A/N - Okay, so let's just get this out there. These works are mine. My poor little brain came up with the plots and characters, and I'd really prefer you to not steal them. If you're reading this on a site that is NOT Wattpad then it is most certainly stolen. No, I really don't want them converted into fanfics or into other languages as well. 




"Are you sure you want to do this?" One of the brunettes hiding in the bushes asked the other brunette. She didn't sound too worried. It was more that she was questioning if it was a necessary action.

"Oh yeah!" said the second excitedly. "Those things need to be eradicated!"

The pair was deep in the everglades, and on the hunt. The biggest thing in the massive swamp used to be the gators and crocs that lived there, but thanks to stupid humans, that was no longer the case. Over the years, the locals, and their propensity for loving exotic pets, and then their failure to actually know how to take care of those same pets, resulted in an untold number of pythons and boa constrictors to now inhabit the swamp. There were even rumors of green anacondas growing in population over on the western coast of Florida near Naples too. With no real predators, the state even offered bounties on them, so they didn't completely destroy the ecosystem. Since the two women that were looking out over the swamp relied on that very ecosystem to survive, they wanted them gone.

Plus, grilled python was tasty.

Right across thirty feet of fetid water, a pair of gators sunned themselves on the shore. Each was in the ten to twelve foot range and would have been perfect if they were here giving one of their airboat tours. The tourists loved seeing the big gators! But in the tree right above the gators, was a rock python that looked to be longer than them both. Its mottled hide gave it good camouflage from most animals, but not from the improved senses of the two women that were hunting it. By itself, that snake could kill too many other things in the swamp, and if it were a female that laid a bunch of eggs, there would be a bunch more of the damn snakes soon.

"Just don't do what you did last time!" the first woman snickered, causing the sun kissed skin of the second to burn red in embarrassment.

"Come on bebita, why would you do me like that?" Her head hung low for a moment before the paler first woman pulled her into a hug.

"You know I'm just teasing you bebé," she whispered. "I know you got this!"

"And you'll be here just in case." Neither woman was being particularly quiet. The gators and the python were at the top of the food chain and didn't fear much. Even if they did run, errr... slither away, they weren't fast enough to matter. Not when they were going up against something that mother nature had certainly not prepared them for.

"Watch my clothes, and don't do anything naughty!" the second brunette said as she untied her hiking boots and slipped them off along with the heavy socks. That was followed by her jeans before she pulled her green tee shirt over her head. The paler woman eagerly looked on as a series of delicious curves were revealed. A dark blue Nike sports bra and matching boxers were the last to be slipped off, and then the woman was standing naked in the swamp, and the other woman was doing her best to not bury her face in the pile of clothes in her arms that smelled so much like her lovely bride. "I'll be right back, Hazel."

"Be safe, Karano!"

Karano blew a kiss at her wife, and then slowly changed. Her body rippled, growing taller, more muscular, and hairy.

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