Chapter Twenty-Six: Sometimes Life is Like a Bow String

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Several days had come and gone since that day they ventured to the Library of Gods. Lorcán had basically locked himself in his study for most of the day only coming out for meals and to make announcements. One dinner Lorcán had the bad news that the northern armies had pushed further into the southern territory. He would be sending out ready divisions the next day. 

Ciro had been getting up before the sun each morning to start training the new recruits that were flooding the city. From Sun up to sun down he ran their souls into the ground then late at night he began training Noah and Theo. Exhaustion was running high through everyone, but knowing that this would pay off, in the end, was what kept everyone going.

Gabriel had been working secretly with Lorcán on a solo mission. He felt guilty not telling his brothers but this was something he had to do on his own. So they worked painstakingly to perfect a plan and hand-pick a team that would keep this information quiet.

After about two weeks of constant abandonment, Gabriel decided to put aside time to teach Theo and Noah how to shoot. He told them to meet early out in the fields just outside the castle walls.

Gabriel was sitting on the ground looking over his equipment when he saw Noah walking his way. "Well, good morning."

"Morning." Which was quickly followed by a yawn. Theo walked behind him still half asleep.

"I've got something for you two," Gabriel said reaching for a bag. "Since you guys have really shown me that you're serious about this, I believe that a bowman isn't true without his own bow."

He uncovered twin bows to show Noah and Theo. A short bow that was carved from yew wood and had intricate carvings. He handed one first to a speechless Noah. As Noah held it, he noted it was quite light. Gabriel then showed him the arrow set and quiver. A dark brown stained quiver with yew wood arrows to match the bow. He then handed over Theo's. Theo held it up as if he was going to pull back the string but then switched hands.

"Left-handed like me when I started." Gabriel smiled. Theo dropped the bow to his side and took his own quiver of matching arrows.

Noah looked up with an awe-struck expression. "This is too much Gabriel. I can't accept this."

"Sure you can. You're going to need a weapon anyways and I figured I would get you the best instead of the stock that's about to be pushed out for the archers." Gabriel smiled and gently pushed the bow back towards Noah.

Noah stared down at the bow and quiver in his hands. He hadn't received such a nice gift before. "Thank you. No one has ever gotten me anything this nice before."

"Are you sure about giving us these?" Theo asked. He had never been given something this nice ever.

Gabriel shrugged. "It's nothing honestly." He smiled. He watched them as they studied their new weapons. There was nothing like the first time you received your own weapon. "Come on now. We're burning precious time and I want to see what you two got."

Noah nodded. With the help of Gabriel, he was shown how to place his quiver so it was comfortable but secure. He pulled out an arrow and placed it in the bowstring. Gabriel stepped back and watched carefully picking apart Noah's ability. He pulled back with a bit of struggle but was able to get it in place. He stared down the range right at the target. Lining up the arrow the best could, Noah stood for a second before letting the arrow fly. As he let it go, the bowstring came back and popped him in the forearm. Noah let out a yelp and grabbed his arm.

Gabriel let out a chuckle. "Sorry. Forgot to warn you about that." He grabbed Noah's arm. "Let me see." A nice welt started to form and turn blood red. "It'll turn into a bruise in the next day or so. We'll have to get you some forearm guards."

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