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*Waking up, you let out a low groan as you open your eyes, but instantly shut them close due to the curtains being open and the sun beaming into the room. You tried to move out of bed, but someone was stopping you from doing that. Looking down with half-open eyes, you saw Gionna curled up into you with her face buried in your neck, sleeping peacefully. Your arm that is wrapped around her body, moves up to her arm, rubbing up and down. You stop moving your arm, then slowly and carefully move from under Gionna and thankfully she didn't wake up. You place the blanket back over her body after getting out of bed, leaning down, you kiss the top of her head, grab your phone, and head into the bathroom with a change of clothes*

You: Shit! It's fucking noon? Damn

*After getting changed, you left the bathroom and threw on your shoes then left the room, making your way down to the hotel lobby. Reaching the lobby, you saw Allen, his wife, Wendy, and their kids, Demi, Luis, and Fergal all talking. Allen noticed you when your eyes wandered off, he was about to call out to you, but someone beat him to it*

Aoife: Jordan!

*You spin around, seeing your sister, and parents, Brittany and David walking in the hotel with their stuff in hand. Your sister, whom you have not seen since you made your in-ring debut, runs over to you hugging you, which causes you to fall on the floor with both of you laughing*

Aoife: I missed you so much!

You: I missed you, too!

*You and Aoife soon get off the floor, still hugging as your parents walk up, causing you to hug them as well*

David: How are you doing, sweetheart?

You: Great. I'm so pumped up for backlash and I'm glad you guys are here for it

Brittany: Speaking of...When do we get to meet your lovely girl, you keep rambling about?

You: Soon, I promise. She's sleeping right now, but-

*You stop talking as your phone rings from your pocket in your hoodie. Pulling in out, you look at the caller ID and see Gionna's name on the screen*

You: speaking of my lovely girlfriend, hold on

*You answer the phone, putting it up to your ear, hearing a yawn on the other side*

Gionna: Jordy?

You: Yes, love?

Gionna: Why'd you go?

You: I'm in the lobby. Remember I told you that Aoife and my parents were gonna be here for Backlash

Gionna: I think all that candy last night made me forget...

You: You think? Anyway, I'll be back up in the room soon. And whatever you need to bring to the arena, just put it in my suitcase, alright?

Gionna: You sure?

You: I'm sure. Less stuff to bring, plus I know you're not gonna want to carry anything after the match, so just put your stuff in mine

Gionna: Okay. See you soon, bye

You: Bye

Two hours later

Gionna: I'm scared! What if they don't like me?!

*Your hands quickly find their way to Gionna's shoulder, making her look you in the eyes*

You: Gionna. My parents are going to love you. My mom has heard me talking about you when I had a crush on you after the day we met, trust're fine

Gionna: Okay...I'm ready

You: Atta girl...

*You move your hands off her shoulder as one hand moves to grab her chin as you lean down due to your slight height difference, softly placing your lips on Gionna's as melts into the kiss then you pull away*

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