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~Wednesday Morning~

*Waking up, you groan due to bring sun lights shining through the windows. Looking around, you realize you're in your bedroom at Amanda's place. But not alone, turning to your left, you see Natalie Holland (Tatum Paxley) fast asleep. Screaming on the inside being so damn confused about how and why Natalie was here. You only remember two things from last night after NXT, which were talking to Gionna, Daria, Demi, Fergal, and Luis. And the other thing was coming back to the house...right?*


Gionna's pov
*After watching Jordan do her segment on NXT, we decided to FaceTime her from my phone. Putting it against the TV, waiting for her to answer. And she finally does after the 3rd ring. She wasn't even looking as her phone was at a different angle, clearly telling that she was walking*

Jordan: Hello?

Everyone: Congratulations!

*we heard Jordan jump and start laughing on the other end, probably not even realizing it was me who called when she answered*

Jordan: Thank you guys

Daria: We miss you, J!

Jordan: I've only been gone a couple of hours

Daria: A couple of hours too long!

Back to you

Amanda: Is that Daria?!

You: sure is! Wanna say hi?

Amanda: yes!

You: Daria

Daria: what's up?

You: desire wants to say hi

*you move your phone, showing Amanda, who is in her gear with her NXT Women's Championship around her waist. Fire and Desire say "hi" to each other before you start walking again*

Gionna: you did amazing out there

Demi: you sure did! How are those tears?

You: oh shut up, I'm perfectly fine now-hold on

Gionna: got it

Christian: yo, Jordan!

You: What's up, Chris?

Christian: nothing much, just wanted to say welcome back

You: I appreciate that..and doesn't Matrick have a match?

Christian:..I-I'll see you later!

Fergal: you sure do keep everyone down there in line

You: if I don't Shawn will then he doesn't everyone goes crazy

Luis: sounds like NXT

You: Hi, Nattie

Natalie: Hey! Jordan. I loved your segment

You: thank you

Fergal: when are you coming back?

You: Thursday afternoon. The same time next week

Gionna: can I come with you?

You: I'll ask, but no promises

Daria: looks like someone does have a-

*Luckily for Gionna as she covered Daria's mouth you weren't even paying attention as you grabbed your bag, walked outside to your car*

Gionna: we just wanted to congratulate you. We'll let you go now

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