Sunday House Show

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*it was now time for the last match of the night. The Main Event. Akira, Ashley, and Sarona would make their entrances first, then you, Gionna, and Cody. All 6 of you standing behind the curtain, getting that final stretch in as Akira's theme plays*

"The following contest is a 6-person mixed tag team match, scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, weighing in at 156 pounds. From Kobe, Japan, Akira Tozawa!"

"And his tag team partner. From Cleveland, Ohio, Dana Brooke!"

"And their tag-team partner. From The Pacific Islands, Tamina!"

*Once Tamina made it to the ring, where Dana and Akira were, they started pacing around the ring as your music played. The WWE fans going into cheers*

"Put on your war paint!"

"And their opponents, Introducing first, from Dublin, Ireland, "The Warrior" Valda Valkyria!"

"And her tag partners. From Elmwood Park. Liv Morgan!"

"Wrestling has more than one...Royal Family"

"And their tag team partner. From Atlanta, Georgia, weighing in at 222 pounds "The American Nightmare" Cody Rhodes!"

*The three of you walk down to the ring, clapping fan's hands along the way while Cody gives his belt to a little boy before joining you and Liv in the ring*

Liv: you wanna start, Val?

You: sure

Crowd chant: Valda! Valda! Valda! Valda! Valda! Valda! Valda!

*Tamina rolls her eyes as you smirk hearing the fans chant your name. Tamina tries to hit you, but with your speed, you quickly duck under before hitting Tamina from behind with a forearm. You Irish-whip Tamina to the ropes, performing a single-leg dropkick. Tamina stands back up only to be met with a "knee strike" to the stomach. Taking Tamina's arm, you turn her arm, keeping a tight hold on it. Just as you were about to make the next move, Tamina turned it around so now she has your twisted. Tamina then whips you towards the ropes, giving you a "clothesline" pinning you, kicking out at "2" you got, and doing a "hurricanrana" before making the tag to Liv along with a "double team suplex" before you step on the apron*

Cody: that sell with the clothesline was amazing

You: thank you

*you both turn your attention back to the ring, watching Liv go for a "hurricanrana" but Tamina counters with a "powerbomb" tagging in Dana. Dana got in the ring about to go at Liv, but just to make it fun, Brooke tagged in Akira. Cody and you look down at Liv in worry, since this mixed tag match was a no DQ match, which meant anything was legal*

Cody: Get up, Liv!

You: C'mon!

*Cody starts to stomp his foot against the apron as you start to clap, the crowd joining, encouraging Liv as she realizes Akira is in the ring and crawls to her team's corner, hot-tagging Cody*

Cody: check on her

You: on it

*Cody jumps into the ring, circling with Akira before the two lock up and powers Tozawa into the corner until he ref's count of "3" getting a chop to the chest by Akira, causing Cody to jump back, Akira comes from behind trying to do "inverted franksteiner" but Rhodes counters with "throat thrust"*

10 minutes later

*Akira had Cody right where he wanted him and was about to for his finisher "Middle Rope Senton" but Cody turned it around and hit "Cross-Rhodes" Tamina slipped onto the top rope as Tozawa rolled out and hit Rhodes with a "diving splash" pushing Cody out the ring. you run in and hit your finisher "Knee Balanced Enzuigiri" to Tamina, watching her roll out the ring before getting a surprise "Landslide" from Dana Brooke. Hitting your head as hard as you did, rolling out the ring was a must. Dana was close to the ropes, which allowed Liv to hit "obLIVion" going for the cover*


*The fans stand up cheering as you and Cody get in the ring standing with Liv, raising your arms above your heads. You and Liv on the corner ropes as Cody leans against the middle rope*

"Here are your winners, the team of Liv Morgan, "the Warrior" Valda Valkyria, and "the American Nightmare" Cody Rhodes!"

*You three spend some more time in the ring and getting out and signing stuff and taking pictures with the fans front row. Liv being in the match the most, was stumbling around not able to stand up straight, looking at she was gonna pass out any moment, which was very noticeable*

You: I got you. Don't worry

*You pick Liv up bridal style, feeling her arms wrap around your neck and her laying her head on your chest. Fans were awed at the sight of you and Liv, some even taking pictures*

Liv: Thank you

You: you're welcome

*getting behind the curtain, still carrying Gionna with Cody walking through the curtain. You part ways with Cody as he has to meet with Brandi in his locker room. Taking Gionna back to yours, you lay her down on the couch gently, grabbing water for her and placing it on the floor*

You: are you feeling?

Gionna: tired...

You: me too

*you grab a pair of sweatpants and a tank top, and go in the bathroom, taking off your makeup, taking your hair down, and changing out of your gear. Walking out of the bathroom, the first thing you saw was Gionna knocked out sleeping. You had to text Demi, knowing she hadn't left yet so that she could bring Gionna's bag to your room*

Demi: here's her bag, luckily it wasn't a lot of stuff

You: Thanks, D

Demi: no problem. She's alright? I watched the whole thing

You: to me...Yeah, I just think when Sarona pulled that move on her, it did some damage

Demi: well, hopefully, she feels better tomorrow. I'll let you get her back to the hotel and talk tomorrow

You: yep. And once again thank you

Demi: that's what friends are for. Bye, Jordan

You: bye, Demi

*Demi heads back to catering as you turn back to the sleeping Gionna on the couch. You put Gionna's backpack on while slipping your over the shoulder and slowly pick Gionna up, feeling her move as you started walking to the car. Opening the passenger door, putting her into the seat, and strapping her in you put your bags in the back then hop in the driver seat and drive back to the hotel*

Watch me-Liv Morgan(ON HOLD)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat