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Lilith the goddess that held such power had been trapped, trapped in her own domain, Vows, she had now vowed to love and cherish her marriage to someone who likes to travel or more specifically run.

The day came that she was bound to Hermes through a sacred practise of 'love', her mother Hera begrudgingly officiated the wedding, not by choice but she knew if anything her daughter would be in good hands, but the fates had already planned out Lilith's life, it was one of loneliness, bound to a broken marriage and her children became her driving force.

"As I, the goddess of marriage has blessed this union, you may drink the holy nectar together to solidify this marriage and be-", she stopped for a moment before continuing,
"Bound to eachother for the rest of eternity", both Lilith and Hermes accepted the nectars looking into eachothers eyes while drinking it.

Lilith thought he'd be a good husband as everyone had said how nice he was but that wasn't the case with it at all....

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