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Olympians had gathered to find a solution to the weather problem and make the goddess happy again, even though Zues and Hera were still fighting they put it aside to help Lilith,
"We need a solution fast as we don't have much time till we can't stop it anymore!" The king demanded, all of the other Olympians agreed,
"We could maybe lock her away?" Ares suggested trying to make it sound like it was a good idea but in reality he wanted her away from the eyes of horny gods,
"That's a horrible idea, it would still let the storm get worse and her emotions are haywire at the moment!" Hera told off her son, all the gods got into a heated discussion over the whole situation before the goddess of love spoke up,
"This is just like how Poseidon was back in the day before he married amphitrite, so maybe we should do the same thing with Lilith?" Aphrodite suggested trying to get another match in Olympus but everyone seemed to like the idea apart from Hera,
"No, not my baby she is still young!" She begged the other but was ignored.

That day they had a test to see who could calm Lilith down the fastest and longest,

Dionysus tried making jokes and getting her to drink but it didn't work,
Ares only did the contest to keep her a virgin but before he could even do anything he was shot down by her,
Apollo was still in mourning over Hyacinth so didn't participate.

One after one each god tried to calm her but it was only for a short while until Hermes came up to her with sweet foods, jokes and gifts for her, knowing she was a sweet tooth, she loved gifts and she loves to laugh, that day people all over the world saw a beautiful rainbow grace them, even the goddess of rainbows herself hadn't seen such a thing before.

That day the fates saw a distant problem in the future that could or could not affect the gods lives forever......

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