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Archeologists thousands of years after Ancient Greece found a temple of Hera they presumed, hidden deep in a forest sacred to the goddess, so taking those facts into consideration they originally thought it was an old temple that was used to worship the Queen of Gods but when they got their translator to the site it was debunked but instead lead them to discover a new goddess, one that was worshiped by many.

The goddess Lilith held the titles of weather, loyalty and vows, it was no doubt that Hera was connected with the lady as she was in a sacred land of the Queen, soon after they found texts that were still in tact of many stories about her, a devoted mother, the perfect daughter, and a lonely girl.

This is her story.....


A night of passion was what created Lilith, her mother Hera was sad, very sad in fact with her marriage to the king of gods, he was in fact a handsome man in his youth but after awhile his facade of beauty faded, his infidelity became known all over Greece, to Heras embarrassment.

Once again he had cheated and she was sick of it so decided to retreat to her gardens but not going as planned Zeus caught her leaving, so to make it up to her he stopped his ways for many years, a decade had passed and Hera became more calm, a party was celebrated in honour of their marriage and that night they had a night of bliss that 9 months later gave life to Lilith.

At first sight she consumed Hera and Zues' heart with the beauty she held, so they swore on the river Styx that she would never be brought into any of their fights.

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