Nick: Yeh, sounds cough sounds good, man this place must be dusty

Judy: All cough cough good with me Y/N man, this place is dusty

Y/N: Cough cough, yeah I cough man, it is dusty

With Y/N

You watched Nick and Judy go up the stairs as you slowly began to walk around the bottom floor.

Y/N: Man, this place is old

Kid: Help

You turned around to where you heard the voice but saw nothing; confused, you walked towards the door that should lead to the living room; opening it, you dropped your flashlight; as its light fizzled out, you couldn't be back here, it wasn't possible

You were back on the street you grew up on, walking towards your house; the air felt crisp and pleasant; you heard your mum call you

Mum: Y/N sweetie, time for dinner

You saw a young you run to the house; he tripped but kept going; your eyes grew wide; this day was burned in your memory; something started to block out the sun; it was the Covenant ships flying over, running for your house it was hit with a blast sending you flying back getting up you saw the flaming wreckage of your home and the young you crying for help


You began to run towards the wreckage, but a burnt hand stopped you before you was the burnt body of your father; his head cracked and hissed as he looked at you

Dad: You could have saved us, son instead, you cry and yell to be saved? What sort of a man are you?

Y/N: I was just a kid!

Dad: A pathetic kid and now a pathetic adult to HAH

You punched him as your hand hurt, but he turned into red smoke; getting closer, the broken body of your mother stopped you this time

Mum: My failure of a son, you could have been so much better, but you became a soldier; you work for animals. Animals?

Y/N: I did my duty. I avenged you and Dad. I did the right thing!

Your mum's head twisted upside down, showing her spine off and grinning wide

Mum: Was it worth it?

You didn't respond, instead pushing past her causing her to turn to that same red smoke as your father; as you got to the young you, a young Keener was there helping him before Keener came face to face with you

Y/N: I was down there for three days

Keener: And yet you survived

Keener put a hand on your shoulder, but it didn't feel real

Y/N: This ain't real, is it?

Keener smiled, looking at you as red smoke surrounded you both

Keener: It's not; it's just a nightmare

With that, Keener disappeared too; you were back in the house in front of a grave outside; turning around, you saw a knocked-over back door; it came back to you it was Night Terror you were on



You ran through the knocked-over door and headed for Judy on the first floor

With Judy

Judy was back in the ZPD crying in a closet as the sound of metal dragging along the floor; red lights flashed throughout the ZPD

Spartans never die (Zootopia Judy & Nick x Male Nobel 6 reader)Where stories live. Discover now