Single but not alone(part 2)

Start from the beginning

When he lifted his shirt he saw the parts of his stomach the baby was hitting lift up and down it almost looked like it was trying to escape. “Ew!” Wilbur heard Tommy, who looked back to see if Wilbur was coming, strain as he saw what the baby was doing to Wilbur.

Tommy’s outburst must’ve alarmed Phil because their dad ran out the kitchen followed by Techno then Tubbo. “It's fetal distress.” Phil said, quickly approaching Wilbur. “Techno get Ponk the baby is coming any second!” Phil turned Wilbur to lay on his side.

Without a second to think Techno ran out the door onto his horse. He was already off the property by the time Tommy looked out the window. “Why don’t we just bring Will to Ponk instead of bringing her here?” Tubbo asked, looking over Phils shoulder at Will grunting in pain on the couch.

Phil was petting Wilburs hair in an attempt to sooth him before answering Tubbo. “Well there are two reasons. Reason one being Ponk has a doctor's office not a hospital a office is no place to have a baby and reason two I dont want Will to go into labor while on horseback and we’d have to deliver the baby in the forest on the cold snow.”

Then just as if on Phil’s command Wilburs water broke. “Oh my god it’s happening my water broke!” Wilburs cried out. He was scared. He wasn’t ready to give birth but his body didn’t care if he was ready because it was happening either way.

Phil only paused for a second before laying a blanket on the ground and gently setting Wilbur atop of it. “Aw man, why my blanket.” The blonde boy whined out and stomped his feet. “Tommy, now is not the time to complain your brother is about to give birth! Now go to the kitchen and fetch me the latex glove box off the counter!” Tommy just let out a complaining sigh and ran to grab the gloves.

Phil placed Techno’s blanket on top of Wilburs lower section and swiftly took off his son’s pants and underwear. Wilbur shivered as the cold air caressed his cold skin. “Tubbo grab the Ibuprofen and a bottle of water from the kitchen!” Phil demanded as he turned to the brunette boy. “Okay!” Tubbo said before disappearing into the kitchen as Tommy came out with the gloves.

“Ibuprofen?! You want me to give birth with only Ibuprofen, the shitty excuse for a pain reliever that doesn’t even work against migraines?! Why can’t you just give me a healing potion?” Wilburs eyes widened. Phil took the box from Tommy as Tommy went to sit on the couch and quickly put two gloves on and turned back to Wilbur with a serious look.

“Will if I give you a healing potion your cervix and vagina will close making it harder, Ibuprofen is all we have and I laid eggs with no such medicines and I was fine!” Phil yelled at his son as he positioned Wilburs legs correctly for birth.

“That is completely different!” Wilbur hit one of his fists against the floor beside him. “You’re right it is different you have to push out a small baby and I had to push out an egg three times the size of my head because you and Techno were twins and shared an egg!” The memory of that day sent shivers down Phils back and made his feathers puff; he was literally almost torn open. If he sits wrong he could still feel the messy stitches done by his dear wife.

Tubbo came with a bottle of Ibuprofen and water. Phil grabbed the pills and water from his second youngest son. He took out two pills for Wilbur and one for himself because he felt a headache developing. Then he opened the water and after swiftly taking his pill he gave the water to Wilbur so he could do the same.

The two men were silent for a second trying to calm down from their argument. They shouldn’t be arguing not like this, not today. Today is supposed to be a happy day. Wilbur gets to be a dad and Phil finally gets to actually be a grandfather. “Tubbo what the fuck sit down.” Wilbur finally spoke up to Tubbo who was still standing behind Phil zoning out. “Oh sorry” Tubbo said and headed to the couch next to Tommy.

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