17. TS-19 Ⅱ

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~Day sixty-two~

Jenner guided the group along a narrow corridor, weaving through a labyrinth of offices and research rooms. The once bustling facility now lay dormant and eerily quiet.

"Most of the facility is powered down," he explained, his voice echoing through the desolate halls. "That includes housing, so you'll have to make do here."

"Couches are comfortable, but we do have cots in storage if you'd prefer," he added, his eyes scanning the weary faces before him.

"There's a rec room down the hall that you kids might enjoy," Jenner continued, his gaze shifting to the children and his tone tinged with warmth. "Just be careful with any electronics, okay? No plugging in video games or anything that draws power."

Excitement danced in the children's eyes as they exchanged glances, their unspoken agreement sealing their destination—the coveted rec room.

"And if you take a shower, go easy on the hot water." Jenner finished.

Glenn and T-Dog exchanged looks, their curiosity sparked by the mention of hot water.

Glenn leaned in closer, a quizzical expression on his face. "Hot water?" he whispered, raising an inquisitive eyebrow at T-Dog.

T-Dog nodded, his voice low but full of wonder. "That's what the man said."

Slowly, the group dispersed, each member venturing off on their own. The children, their minds firmly fixed on the rec room's delights, cast fleeting glances at their guardians before sprinting down the hall, their tiny feet echoing in their wake.

Pushing open the door, they were greeted by a sight that filled them with wonder. The room was a treasure trove of entertainment—a haven of shelves filled with books, board games, a ping pong table, a foosball table, arcade games, and even musical instruments in the corner.

Chairs were scattered haphazardly, and in the center sat a gray couch with a coffee table in front of it. The back of the room boasted a small 'tiki bar'.

The children's hearts swelled with uncontainable joy as they dashed toward their chosen realms of entertainment, their eager fingers itching to begin the exhilarating journey that awaited them.

"Let's play foosball!" Carl's voice burst with excitement as he positioned himself eagerly at the table, ready for the game to commence.

Sophia, on the other hand, had her eyes fixed on the vibrant Twister mat rolled on one of the shelves in the room. "No way! Let's go with Twister!" she countered, her finger pointing decisively at the colorful game board.

Turning to Daisy, Carl sought her input, eager for a tiebreaker. "Daisy, you're the decider! What's your vote?"

Caught in the middle of the playful dispute, Daisy's face lit up as she thought of a choice that would make both of her friends happy.

"How about we take turns? We can start with foosball and then do Twister?"

In truth, Daisy had no idea how to play either game, but the thrill of exploration brimmed within her.

Agreeing to Daisy's suggestion, Carl and Sophia took their respective positions on opposite sides of the foosball table, their competitive spirits glowing in their eyes. Daisy assumed the role of referee, exuding unwavering enthusiasm as she observed the game, wholeheartedly cheering for her friends as they skillfully maneuvered the miniature soccer players.

Laughter and exuberant cheers filled the rec room, the sounds reverberating off the walls and mingling with the pure delight of the moment. In that vibrant space, the burdens of the outside world melted away, leaving only the simple, unadulterated joy of spirited competition.

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