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Hey everyone! I am beyond excited to share that I have completed editing all the chapters for Daisy. 

After putting in countless hours of studying, I am proud to say that it has all paid off, as I achieved all A's on my exams, including a perfect score on my anatomy and physiology lecture exam and a near-perfect score on the lab practical :))))

With my schoolwork behind me for the next couple of months, I now have ample time to work on new chapters for Daisy. Although, I must admit, my procrastination had more to do with re-watching episodes than actual writing. Nevertheless, I am pleased to announce that the 2-3 newest chapters of Daisy will be released either tonight or tomorrow, pending a final round of edits.

In addition to Daisy, I am also working on a new project called Despondent, but I wanna write at least a dozen chapters before ofically releasing it (something I regret not doing with this fic)

I do acknowledge that my writing may not be perfect, and I am super self-conscious about it but I am constantly working to improve my skills. 

I appreciate your continued support and hope you enjoy the upcoming chapters! <3

In regards to the edits: 

The only thing that 'changed' is that Daisy now carries around a little holster for her inhaler, introduced in this excerpt from the chapter 'guts'; 

"A pair of rusted scissors nestled snugly in her back pocket while a makeshift cloth holder carefully crafted by Officer Shane was securely fastened to her denim shorts with a sturdy carabiner - inside of which was one of her inhalers, a couple Band-Aids and an extra hair tie. All neatly organized, and always within reach.

In her hand was an aged red bucket with a thin crack on it's side, and on her back hung her trusty bookbag. She tried to always keep it with her - Glenn had taught her to. Even though it was unlikely, there was no promise that she wouldn't be seperated from everyone else.

The thought was scary, but necessary." 

And, I added this about Daisy's Inhaler supply, but it doesn't really change anything ; 

"Please!" She continued to plead even after Glenn shook his head no, "I'll even remember to keep my medicine on me and carry the knife Glenn gave me so you guys don't have to worry!"

T-dog cut in firmly, making it clear that there was no room for argument. "No, Daisy. The outskirts are different - the center of Atlanta is infested."

"And we need to be careful with your medicine, Daisy." Glenn added. "We only have a limited supply, and we don't know when we'll find more."

For those who may be wondering, each inhaler contains approximately 200 pumps. In a post-apocalyptic world, it's crucial to conserve every precious resource, including inhalers. While inhalers do have an expiration date, they can still be used for years afterward, albeit with reduced effectiveness. Daisy's inhalers are specifically aerosol albuterol, which have an even longer shelf life than powder inhalers. Although I used to use a spacer as a child, I decided against including one in her Daisy's kit as I'm sure it would be cumbersome for her to carry around.

Feel free to ask any questions regarding her mental or physical health. :)

I also have intentions to introduce a new OC into the story soon. I want Daisy to eventually have a closer friendship with someone her own age. Carl and Sophia, even though they are both children, are a near 5/6 years older than Daisy. 

Non-formally Introducing Leo Miller, played by the lovely Thomas Brodie-Sangster. 

Nine-year-old Leo Miller has endured more loss and heartbreak than most children his age. He was staying with his aunt when the world ended, and tragically lost her on Day 0. Fortunately, Otis and Patricia saved him, and he now resides with the Greene family. 

Despite all he has been through, Leo has not given up on hope. He clings tightly to the belief that the rest of his family is out there somewhere, waiting for him to find them.

Leo is a very kind, bright and curious child, always eager to learn and explore his surroundings. He has a natural talent for fixing things and often spends his time tinkering with machines and gadgets.

 He has a natural talent for fixing things and often spends his time tinkering with machines and gadgets

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