Chapter 29- The Damn Truth

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A/N So sorry for the small hiatus everyone! I'm back and plan to finish this story :) Thank you for sticking around xx <3

Cato and I step off the train and are escorted by peacekeepers to the stage. Tamsynia walks with us talking a mile a minute reminding us to smile and to "act like we're in love" which sends chills and anger down my spine. I try to think of the good.

After this Cato and I get to go see our new home, I am excited to formally meet his mother, and I get to see the Opal family soon. 

Focus on the good.

Tamsynia is first to enter the stage and she is glowing as usual. She is standing in a pastel purple pantsuit with a black rose belt. Her hair is styled like a bouquet of black glittering roses.

She cheerfully speaks in the microphone and says some really kind words about the time she spent with Cato and I. She adds that she could noticed a spark between us from the beginning.

I wonder if she really means that. 

And that could very well be true, I remember the hot and cold tension Cato and I had when we first met Tamsynia and our mentours. And then that night in my bedroom when it turned into what it did...

"Now, what you've all been waiting for! May I present to you, Cato Hadley and Clove Kentwell, your victors of the 74th annual Hunger Games!"

Hand in hand, Cato and I walk to the center of stage and hug Tamsynia as the crowd continues to erupt in clapping, cheering, and whistling. Cato steps towards the microphone to speak first.

"How about a round of applause for our beautiful escort!" he calls into the microphone.

Tamsynia LOVES Cato's gesture as she blushes and visibly reacts to the audiences applause.

"It's hard for me to stand up here and say that I'm surprised to be on this stage being named a victor," Cato smiles.

It takes every bone in my body to restrain me from rolling my eyes because I know the cameras are rolling. Ah yes, the humble Cato Hadley ladies and gentleman.

"But, I am surprised that in the end, I'd be happy. Of course I'm honored and proud to say I'm a District 2 Victor, but I'm just so happy I got to do it with the girl of my dreams by my side."

This earns him applause from the audience. I drown out Cato's voice as I scan the crowd for my parents, his family, the Opals, Cordelia...

I spy Minerva in the middle of the crowd smiling at me. She looks adorable with her hair pulled into two braids with pink ribbons on the ends. Both Mr. and Mrs. Opal stand behind beaming at me as our eyes meet.

I snap out of my search party adventure when the microphone is placed in front of my lips and I realize all of District 2 is staring at me waiting for me to speak.

"Thank you, Cato! I am so honored to be standing here in front of you all. This feels like an incredible dream that I still have not woken up from!" I gush.

I hope my words don't sound as fake and forced as they do spilling from my lips right now.

"Just like many of you, I've been the girl in the academy training, dreaming, and waiting for my chance to enter the games. Going through and doing it alongside Cato has been the most indescribable feeling. I'm the luckiest girl in the world because not only am I a victor, but I'm also in love," I grin.

I blush and smile innocently. I'm trying to play up the role of being a silly little girl who just happened to kill 6 people last week and now is suddenly soft, smiley, and dating Cato Hadley.

It feels wrong, it's just so not me. 

I know I'm well deserving of a Hunger Games win. But given that my TV show personality up until just recently has been murder makes the heart grow fonder  and now its just not makes me start to feel my win was ingenuine and satire. 

The audience cheers for me excitedly before Cato takes the microphone back into his possession.

"I also would like to tell everyone that Clove and Tamsynia hand picked items for each and everyone of you from the generous donations from the Capitol. I want everyone to know about the thought behind these gifts," Cato announces motioning to the boxes sitting behind him on stage.

A few "awws" escape from the audience which truly does warm my heart. These people deserve more. I feel like all the districts should be receiving gifts for sacrificing and losing two members of their community. 

I pull the microphone back my way, "We are so incredibly grateful to receive all these donations and have the ability to award them to you. Along with those boxes, we will be stocking the market place with eggs, sugar, flour, milk, cheese, and bread which can also be found in your boxes."

"To President Snow and the Capitol, thank you so much for allowing us to give back to our people. It is such an honor," Cato concludes.

We made sure to slip that in. But as Cato says the words, I feel my body stiffen. My mouth refuses to be smiley, my eyes are losing their innocent stage glow, as my blood boils.

This is so fucked up. I am supposed to be acting like some poster child capitol prodigy. But all I can think about is the poor brainwashed families of District 2 that we are feeding this bullshit to. 

Thanking the capitol, talking about the honor that this. We are continuing this sick game right now by saying all of these things. 

But Cato and I know the truth.

It's about damn that we shake and wake everybody up from this idea that killing other children from the other districts is constructive and healthy.

We should be banding and uniting as one to oppose the capitol and those in power for equality. We shouldn't have to keep sacrificing our people to the wealthy. 

All for what? A show. Entertainment. Gambling. It doesn't seem like a remotely fair trade. 

And by our people I don't just mean 2. I mean all of the districts.  

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