Chapter 22- The Finale

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My legs are moving as fast as they can as Cato and I zip through the woods. I am running for my life, literally.

"Cornucopia!" Cato yells.

Whatever it was that attacked Cato just minutes ago, there are dozens of them running after us. I know we won't able to outrun them, but we aren't too far away from the cornucopia and thats the higher ground we need to get away from these mutts.

As quick as Cato and I are, these beats are right at our heals. They screech every chance they get and I can feel their hot breathe on my legs.

I know the gamemakers want this to go over fast, but throwing these mutts at us are just crazy. I they want a show I'll give them a show. They don't need barbaric mutations do get that. 

I just want it to be a show. Not the savage murder of Distirct 2 using mutts.

When we break through the woods line it's like the light at the end of the tunnel. It means I'm almost done running from my life.

I'm panting, and my legs feel like jello but I'm so close to reaching the cold metal that I almost died on a few days ago. Cato beats me to the wall and climbs up swiftly before reaching over and extending a hand to me.

I scurry up the side of the wall and grab his hand. Suddenly, theres an aggressive tug on my foot and I look down to see a large beast gnawing at my boot.

"Cato!" I scream, ushering him to pull me up quicker.

As Cato pulls me the rest of the way up the wall, I get a good look at the beast threatening to dismantle me limb for limb. Although at first glance the mutt is harsh looking, pointy teeth and long claws, I meet its eyes and they are shimmering green.

I study its facial structure and take in the blonde fur color. There is a number 1 etched on the fur below the creatures neck.

Glimmer. Chills run up my arms and my heart sinks as my body meets the metal cornucopia.

I continue staring down at the creatures below me and I lock eyes with another mutt. Chocolate brown fur and shiny brown eyes. Correspondingly, a number 11 sits at the bottom of its neck.

As if the capital has not scarred us with enough, the game makers sent mutations of the other tributes into the area to kill us.

Is this really them? Is the captiol that sick in the head to morph the deceased tributes into mutts. Do these creatures have their human memories or their brains?

Or were they just sent to kill us? On the outside make us feel something but on the inside programmed to strictly kill us.

My thoughts are interrupted by a shrill scream, "CLOVE MOVE!"

I spin around and draw a knife, but it is too late. Peeta's massive body comes flying my way, tackling me and my back hits the surface with a loud thud.

He drives his fist at my face but I throw my arm forwards, puncturing his hand with my knife and he screams in pain, and I escape from beneath him.

I divert my attention to Cato who spins Katniss Everdeen around and punches her square in the jaw knocking her to her feet. The side of his face is dribbled with blood from the mutt that attacked him minutes ago.

I want my pick at the girl on fire and I plan to give everyone a nice show. I send a knife her way and nicks her arm and she wails in pain.

Good, I'm glad it hurts. That's where she hit me with her stupid arrow before she blew up all of our supplies.

Peeta grabs my leg and I look down and see he hasn't removed the knife I struck him with. I shake him loose and punch him in the mouth.

"You really think you're gonna kill her you stupid fuck!" Cato jams his leg into his gut and Peeta groans miserably.

He, surprises us both by standing up, grabbing Cato and and throwing him to the ground. At the corner of my eye I see Katniss begin to stand up.

"Where do you think you're going, girl on fire?" I taunt.

I peal another knife off my vest and send it her way. It pierces her in her lower abdomen.

I smirk. Finally, one of knifes can finally give her real damage.

It's not enough to kill her, but it is a damn good start since I have failed every other time in this arena. I watch her stumble backwards.

I turn to see Cato, knife in hand, throwing Peeta across the surface aggressively. I send another knife at Peeta but he turns his head so it only slashes his forehead.

After dealing with Peeta, Cato comes over and whips his sword at Katniss aggressively.

He takes her in his grip and dangles her head off the Cornucopia just enough for the hungry mutts to claw at her braid. I watch tug at Cato's grip on throat as she panics, grasping for air.

This is what we've been waiting for this entire time in the arena. A chance to make District 12 suffer, rightfully steal back the spotlight, and claim our crowns.

Suddenly, Peeta crawls over towards us, tearing Cato away from Katniss and punching him in the jaw. I see some blood shed from Cato's mouth.

Out of the both of us, Cato seems to be struggling the most. He took a hit from one of the mutts and now he most likely has a dislocated jaw that awarded him a mouthful of gooey blood.

I charge at Peeta tackling to the floor. I know he is much bigger and stronger than me, but the amount of blows he has taken, I know I can handle this.

I push my knee into his bad hip, hopefully forcing his scabs to reopen. I push my forearm into his throat and take a knife out of my vest.

"You're pathetic you know that Peeta. You and your stupid star crossed lovers act never phased me. You betrayed my alliance that was going to further you the most in this game. We protected you from the bloodbath, where you easily would have been killed. Shared our food and supplies with you and betrayed us, you weak pathetic coward!"

Peeta exclaims, "C-Clove, I-I please n-no-"

I jab my knife into the side of him and with all the strength I have in me, I push him over the cornucopia. His body lands on the hard grass and I watch as the mutts flock to him.

"PEETA!" Katniss cries.

I've finally killed Peeta Mellark, but I can't watch my friends, Glimmer, Marvel, Foxface and the other tributes pick and lick him to pieces. I was born and trained to survive and be a vicious killer, but this is beyond twisted and sick.

I hear his cannon go out and I turn around and am immediately met with an arrow flying towards me. I dive to the right in attempt to avoid it, but it strikes my should blade and I collapse to my knees in agony.

I can die from this, I know I can. I know my best course of action is to not touch it which could potentially cause more damage than the arrow already has.

I hear Cato's sword clatter and in seconds, he's at my side.

"C-Cato. Your sword!" I breathe. "I'm fine. J-Just kill her."

But it's too late. I'm down, Cato is weaponless, and Katniss Everdeen has us right where she wants us. 

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