Chapter 19- Two of Us

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"I-I heard the cannon fire and saw your bandage on the ground and with everything that's happened I-I was so s-scared it was you and-"

"Shh. It's ok, it's ok. I'm ok, you're ok. We're ok," he whispers to me."I heard the cannon and my mind went to you because we left you by yourself. I was calling out your name scared I wouldn't find you..."

I keep my hands locked around Cato and work to slow my breath. We stand in silence for a few minutes, comforting each other.

I keep telling myself everything's ok. It's hard to come down from my terrible fear that just a minutes ago, I thought could be real.

I hear another cannon. Cato and I break apart and we look at each other in shock.

That's three cannons in a span of twenty minutes. What is going on today?

"Oh my god Cato! Where's Marvel?"

Worry spreads across his face and we start to run through the woods calling his name frantically. It can't be Marvel.

It just can't be. The only logical explanation is that we heard the cannons that belong to his victims.

"Cato, what if we can't find him?"

"Relax, he's probably waiting for us back at camp," he assures me.

We jog through the woods and out back towards the cornucopia. We return to our tents and Marvel is in fact not there.

"What do we do Cato? What if one of those cannon's belonged to him," I cry.

"Relax, Marvel's a smart guy. He's probably still in the woods looking for me, ready to boast about his two kills. Let's grab whatever's left here, find him, and create a new camp because here is useless to us now."

Cato picks up the sword I found earlier and grabs the grey container with our muffins from District 1 and shoves them into his backpack along with the spile.

I completely forgot we had those. We leave our old camp and head back into the woods to keep looking for Marvel.

The longer we're out here with no answers, the more worried I am. I am beginning to accept the fact that Marvel might be gone.

"Clove," Cato motions me over to him.

He's a few feet away from me standing behind a thick tree. He points and I follow his finger to a body laying on the ground with an arrow in the center of its chest.

I don't move but I squint my eyes and get a look at the face. It's Marvel.


I lean against the tree to steady my balance. Oh my god.

All of my alliance members are gone. It had to be District 12.

Oh my god. Everything would make sense. When Glimmer got attacked by the tracker jackers, Katniss must have come out of the tree and took her bow.

That's the most logical explanation. And holy shit, that must have been the skill she demonstrated to earn her the 11.

"It was the girl on fire," I mutter.

Cato looks at me with a confused expression.

"Trust me it is. I'm gonna kill this bitch."

I walk away from the tree and Cato follows my lead. I don't want to see the body of my lifeless friend or be around for whenever the drone comes to retrieve it.

We walk west, in the direction of where Cato and I spent yesterday evening. Towards the lake.

We should be only a mile or so away, but I don't feel the same joy I felt yesterday when I thought of the lake. Not after all of this.

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