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THE AFTERMATH OF  the first world war brought on many changes. During the war, almost all of the men went to serve their country, leaving the women at home to pick up the pieces. This involved them picking up jobs to still earn money and support their families–finding work in factories and warehouses. When the war was over and the men came back, these women were fired from their jobs like they'd never had them in the first place. If they were fortunate and did not get fired, the wages they earned in comparison to their husbands, brothers, and cousins were much lower. This was unacceptable, and became part of the catalyst that was women's rights. In Small Heath in particular, these women were especially empowered–certainly by one another.

There was an opportunity that had never been seen before. Almost a million of men died as soldiers in the war, a majority of this number being men of the upper class. Prior, it was nearly impossible to make "something" out of "nothing", but with a large gap in the upper class, there was some room to fill. The working class's power saw great growth during this time, shifting Great Britain a little closer towards a more modern society. In Small Heath, this did not go unnoticed. Oh, no. Not in the slightest. 

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