Chapter 1

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"Stupid sword....Stupid feet.....stupid metal head." I panted, running as fast as I could. I've been running for at least 15-30 minutes. And this forest is really thick. Which is both good and bad.

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!!!WHEN PERCEDAL COMES AND GETS ME I'LL HAVE HIM USE ME TO SHISH-KABOB YOU!!" Rubilax threatened. I stopped and looked down on it,"Really? Wait a minute. Why am I still with you?"

It's eye raised in confusion. Within Seconds I found myself running whilst listening it to beg me to pick it up. Everything ached,I was gonna have to rest soon. Nearby there was a trunk of a tree I could sit on,when I sat down and reflected the past events.

Metal head.

Talking swords.



Blue lig-


Something whooshed past me, startled I stood up and looked around. Inches away from me was an arrow with ice forming around the trunk of a tree. I stepped closer and examined it thoroughly.

"Hey you!"

When I turned around my eyes widened, a girl with a short black jumpsuit, high boots,long ears, gold-ish eyes, and a small nose was aiming an arrow my way. Behind her was the red head and a girl with the skin of rich dirt, her hair was green and she was wearing clothes similar to mine. But they seemed to be made of leaves and plants. Interesting....

The girl with the bow took a step closer,"Where's Percedal's sword?"

Instincts kicked in. We were in big trouble so why not? My legs took over and I ran to the left, narrowly missing an arrow. The trees were thinning, my green eyes looked around as the clanging of the bangles echoed in my ears. Maybe I could find a cave and hide out there. Or go back to the village/town and blend in for a bit.

Okay, God hates me. I think?

I was running when a few feet away a blue illuminating circle appeared in thin air. Surrounding the circle was small details. Some parts looked like writing, but before I could see anymore something came out of it and tackled me! The thing and I tumbled to the ground, me on the bottom and the thing on top of me.

"Where's Dally's Sword?"

On top of me was a boy my age. He had short blond hair, wide eyed,and a blue hat that looked just like mine. I couldn't see his clothes, but you get the picture.

My teeth gritted, I don't like anything that tackles me. Especially boys!

In one swift movement I threw him off of me and stood up. Ready to run. The boy stood up, then looked at me for a second before I ran away.

"This is crazy. When I get home Candy'll go crazy." I muttered to myself.

Before I knew it, I was pushed to the ground again. And this time the boy was holding me down, I was laying on my stomach. Two tackles, one arrow, a shovel, and a sword in one day! A great start into this new world! Or, wherever I am...

The boy laughed in triumph, I could sense he was turning his head when he shouted,"Hey guys! I caught her!"

As he waited the boy was playing with my hat. "You dress like me!" He exclaimed,inspecting every part of my hat. I dunno if he was checking out anything else. He better not, otherwise he's toast, and if they don't have toasters here I'm just gonna make one!

Two pair of feet walked onto the ground infront of me. I craned my neck to see the red head holding Rubilax, and the Blondie with her bow.

I sighed, playing with the grass,

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