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This one-shot is based off of "Centuries" by Fall Out Boys. Man, this really gave me some inspiration. It is also like the Movie "Age of Adeline" in a way. Well, I've never seen the movie before, so please excuse me if I accidentally copy anything.


Hiro stared from across the table as you put the finishing touches on the robot you two have been working on. He really liked you, your piercing E/C eyes, your H/L H/C hair, and the way the room seemed to light up when you laughed. Let's just say, he has a crush on you, and you have one on Hiro. Most importantly, it's your birthday. You were turning 13 today.

You glanced up at Hiro and chuckled; he was so focused on you he didn't notice he was pouring his drink from the pitcher onto the table instead of the glass inches away.

Tadashi was nearby watching Hiro staring at you. Then he pounded his hand softly onto the table and stood up.

"I'm losing him Aunt Cass! The ravages of time are pulling us apart. And bringing Y/N closer to him." Ranted Tadashi.

Aunt Cass, who was cleaning the dishes, chuckled. "They're just growing up honey. Soon Hiro won't let you treat him like a baby-Y/N may but not Hiro. And soon they might start dating."

"NO!!" Tadashi's small outburst made everyone except for you and Hiro look at him like an idiot,"I just need to try HARDER!" With his mind set he started to march over to the table.

Aunt Cass sighed and took out her phone,"Whelp, time to start making memories." The phone was aimed towards the table where you two sat.

"I'm not!!" Hiro argued.

You playfully gave him a glare,"I'm pretty sure."

"I don't!!"

"What are you two talking 'bout?" Tadashi pulled up a chair and sat down giving you a suspicious glare.
You threw your hands up!"Does Hiro have an addiction on gummy bears or not?!"
"I wasn't asking you Hiro!"
Tadashi let out a sigh of relief, he thought the question was based off on whether his brother was crushing on you.

Hiro groaned,reaching into his pocket and taking out a pack of gummy bears. As soon as he started to eat one-


Both boys averted their eyes to see your forehead on the table. This was exactly what you were telling him.

"No one likes a forehead bruise Y/N." Tadashi chuckled,pushing your head into the air. "Time to go,it's almost 5. Your birthday party is at 5:15." With that he stood up and grabbed the keys to Aunt Cass's truck. Unfortunately because of Hiro's 'improving' his moped was not doing well. Well....let's just say that it's driving backwards instead of forwards...THANKS A LOT HIRO!!!!!

You jumped up from your seat and grabbed yours and Hiro's robot. As soon as you did you grabbed Hiro's hand and ran out to the entrance of the cafe, but saw one teensy weensy problem.

It was raining.

Your shoulders slumped , you were hoping that the party could be outside. What you didn't notice was Hiro was blushing due to the fact that your hand was still slipped in his own. Tadashi walked over and patted a hand onto your shoulder, that made your hand fall out of Hiro's.

"Don't worry, we can still have the party inside." Tadashi spoke,grabbing an u,Bella and walking both 13 year olds to the truck. As soon as you two were buckled up(with Baymax in his suitcase) your smile returned and wandered into space.

Hiro uncomfortably sat next to you,his hand slipped into his jacket pocket. Inside held your present.

"Hey Y/N?" He asked softly.
"Hmm?" You didn't look at him but at the small drum solo on the window.
"I have a present for you. Do you wanna open it?" He held out a small bow with F/C wrapping paper. You averted your E/C from the window and to the present. Before you could reply he handed it to you, where you opened the present and gasped.

Shut Up and Dance (Hiro Hamada x reader one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now