I wanna Be A Runner (part 2)

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"Y/N?! Y/N!!" Hiro shouted, running around the glade.

You had disappeared for two days, Hiro had gotten worried. It must've had something to do with Ben's banishment. The boy knew you were having a hard time dealing with it, he was there.

-flashback brought to you by Frypan's cooking-

"Do you think Thomas ran in here?" You asked as you and Hiro trudged through the graveyard. Ally sent you two to look for Thomas, especially after he ran off. Hiro actually thought he stepped on a skull until he saw it was just a rotten apple.

"There he is!" He whispered,pointing to Thomas, who was standing over the casket of the grader who was cut in half.

"Hey dude!" You shouted happily, running over and giving him a hug. For a split second Hiro felt a pang of jealousy.
(A/N Awww! Hiro's jealous of Thomas?! Awwww!) He watched as you let go him and led him away from the graveyard. But before they could get out Ben attacked.

-reality brought to you by Hiro's terrible cooking.
Now Frypan has to get some more frying pans....-

He didn't want to think about what happened after that. It was strange. Ben shrieked something about knowing Thomas, you ,and him. Brushing it off he continued looking for you.

You were in Frypan's kitchen. Sitting on one of the top shelves. Frypan didn't mind you sitting there as long as you didn't snack on the gummy bears. Tears rolled down your E/C eyes as you brushed your H/C hair out of the way,it was all your fault Ben got banished. If you hadn't suggested looking for Thomas in the graveyard he probably would've been in the bed he was during The Changing.

"What in the Klunk are Ya doin' here?" You looked up-sorry, down- and saw Newt and Mihno. You ignored them and turned your head back. The several cans on the shelves began to rattle, and soon the two boys were sitting down next to you. They were wondering where you had gone for a bit, Mihno had just gotten back from The Maze. Newt spent his free time searching aswell.

"It's my fault," you spoke in a hoarse voice.

Mihno put his fists on his hips,

"GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURL. That shuck ain't your fault." In the act of trying to make you laugh, Mihno watched his failure. Newt placed a hand on your back,"C'mon Greenie. Rise an' shine. Time for Ya to go outside again."

You grunted and turned to your side,trying your best not to lean on your shoulder. Ben's attack succeeded and earned you a nasty cut on you. It didn't hurt as long as you didn't put any weight on it.

Both Newt and Mihno looked at you for a second, then glanced at each other. Both slowly nodding.

-5 seconds later-

"PUT ME DOWN!!I HAVE RIGHTS!!!!" You shrieked as Mihno ran with you over his shoulder.

"NOT ANYMORE!!!!" Newt laughed as he tried to go as fast as The Runner.

Hiro perked up when he thought he had heard you. Those big brown eyes of his searched the vicinity. Then when he heard your death threats he couldn't help but laugh and start running. "Y/N!! Wait!!!" He shouted happily as he ran. Dang, watch that boy go. Wait a minute, there's only words on this!!!? MY LIFE IS A-

'Shut up Author-Hiro'

(A/N how did I see that stuff happen then?!)
'It's called an imagination genius'

As you continued sending death threats you thought you heard your name being shouted. When you looked up you saw a familiar raven haired boy run towards you and Mihno. The runner stopped, and set you down onto the ground.

A pair of arms wrapped around you in a big embrace,it practically knocked the wind out of ya.

"So you did miss her? Didn't Ya!?" Newt teased as he arrived.

Hiro let go of you with a glare,"Did not!" He pouted." I've just been really worried for Y/N...."

The two teenagers stated backing away ever so slowly,"Right....."Newt said, and Mihno started,"We'll just leave you two...." The two turned around so fast your H/C hair lifted a bit and started running away. Within seconds they were screaming,

Blood rose to your cheeks,you turned back to meet a red faced Hiro.

"So you missed me?"

He scratched the back of his neck,"Well, I was worried. Ever since Ben's banishment I saw you were down, so I was looking for you to give you my gift."

You raised your eyebrows.


Hiro nodded,"To brighten your day."

Time froze, you crossed your arms with a smirk,"Alright I-Don't-Know-Your-Last-Name, what's the-"

A warm pair of lips touched your own. You stood there in shock, soon it washed away and you began to kiss back. You didn't know what was going to happen in the future.

You didn't know you, Hiro, and Thomas'd spend a night in the Maze and survive,
You didn't know you'd make it as Runners,
And you didn't know you were going to escape this maze.
And face the-

"Dang it Mihno you forgot the flash!"

Newt and Mihno had somehow gotten a camera and walked in as you two were kissing. Newt was forcing Minno to take the pic;worried they would miss their chance.

"It isn't my fault you Shuck-Face! We wouldve-RUUUUN!!!!" He turned around and sprinted the other way. Newt lagged behind as Hiro started running after them with death threats. You gave off a chuckle and ran after them,happy you had gotten a great first kiss from your newly found Boyfriend. Now it's off to kill those two and destroy the evidence.

What happy memories you guys will make!!

Okay, how was it?
Well it's off to eat some Lunch/Dinner.

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