⚠︎Episode 24.1☠

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Guys I am not getting enough likes☹.
Half of you all are reading but not liking☹.

And those who are reading and also voting I am grateful towards you all and I sincerely appreciate it♡.

I wish others also do the same☹.

Anyway back to the story☺︎.



I returned back inside, and looked at the pitch-black corridor.

The first floor was dead silent.

We're actually going to leave this place, huh.

I was full of hope about the Safe Zone, and the hallway somehow felt unfamiliar, knowing it would soon just be a memory of the past.

The things that had happened in there just felt like a dream.

Once I got locked inside my room, and another time I was chased by someone.

Thinking about all the scary things that happened made me shiver in fear.

But once we're out of here...we're all going to live safely in the Safe Zone.

What if all my friends who had gone missing were there?

I imagined getting to run over to them in excitement, telling them how worried I was...

Suddenly, I thought back to the day we had found Jenny's body.

She was sat by a wall, in a classroom with blood-splattered walls.

We still had no idea what had happened to her.

And where had Jin gone?

Me : And Bogum...

What could have happened to Bogum?

Why did that happen to him...?

My head was filled with anxious thoughts. My heart was beating violently in my chest.

But we were going to leave this school behind and head for the Safe Zone.

There we would be able to spend our days safely together with other people.

Our lives would be filled with only good things.

I really wished they would.

I closed my eyes tight for a moment, before opening them again. I gritted my teeth.

I calmed down my trembling breath and raised my head.

Me : I should get back to my room.

The only thing I could hear in the hallways was the sound of my own footsteps.

By habit, I peeked into the classrooms that had their doors open as I passed them by.

But all I could see was pitch-black darkness.

Dark classrooms.

A completely empty hallway.

Me : ...

I felt a chill go up my spine. My arms filled with goosebumps.

I've definitely had this feeling before.

But this time it felt way worse.

I was completely alone.

My body started growing stiffer. I started increasing my pace.

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