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Wake up y/n"

"...wh...a..t?" I say frowning and half asleep. I got woken up by Shelby. Great. I am fully awake now and i can't believe that i had a 2 line conversation with Shelby about where the plane had landed. Honestly, i would literally love it if she disappeared or hell, even i disappeared when i was around her.

Apparently the plane had stopped for a mid destination which i hadn't known before. Kyle didn't come with us, but he did say that he'll be coming to Korea a month later or so. But. Our one and only CEO decided to join us for 1 month and at this point i am immune to whatever he says, but his wife tagged along and somehow he's......calmer? I don't know man but i can surely tell that he's a pussy in front of her wife. It's a relief anyways.

Shelby looks a lil too excited for Korea, not that i care or anything but girl should know that she's only getting to go cuz madman is tagging along. Even if i try to be completely unfazed by her annoying presence, i still cannot stand her. Every passing minute feels like an eternity. I could've called Yasmin but unfortunately i am on an aeroplane so nope. Yasmin rarely texts, to a point where i have practically stopped texting her. She has been really busy with her family business for 4 months now or else she was always the one who reached out to me first. I miss her so much though.

About 2 hours later from our previous stop, we finally arrived at Seoul international airport, South Korea. At first i thought we would be taking taxis but turns out that there is a special Mercedes-Benz Van assigned to pick us up.

What in the expensiveness is this?

I have practically not talked to anyone during the whole journey, i mean Kyle was the only one i knew so my introverted ass was too scared to reach out. I really wanted to talk to Yeri but her resting bitch face made me genuinely scared and honestly, that's the exact reason why i wanna reach out more.

Throughout my whole life, i have always wondered that why do I out of all people have to reach out first. Why am i not the one who's approached? It is not a big thing but sometimes it breaks me inside. I feel unwanted, out of place, an outcast. I have high inferiority complex which is the main card of the deck of my immense self doubt.

Gosh y/n ffs stop being negative

"Hey" i say smiling awkwardly to Yeri whose sitting beside me. "Hey i mean hi y.../n? Was it something else, i am so sorry if i forgot your name, I'm really bad with them" Yeri said with the sweetest smile known to the whole of mankind.

What if i just asked her out right now?🤠

"Oh no no, it's correct. Nice to meet you miss....... i mean Yeri" i say with a scared look to which she laughs. "Hey it's okay, i was mad at Kyle that time because we had some personal beef going on" she snorted. "Anddd yeah nice to meet you, girl, your eyes are so beautiful, has anyone ever told you?". And people ask me why I'm a bi. "Oh my, thank you so much but I'd definitely say that you are way more of an Aphrodite's creation ma'am" i reply with a childish smirk to which we both laugh. Yeri seems completely different from what i assumed her to be and it's a relief.

We both talked very less though. Someone called Yeri and it was urgent for her to pick up so i kinda am just sitting by the window of the van right now. Korea is so perfect, i mean it literally, like everything is at right angles and there's a uniform theme of grey, white and brown everywhere. I think it's just the city Seoul, but really, this place feels completely unreal. Also. It is raining cats and dogs here, the grey clouds have made the city look dark and gloomy. I love gloomy weather, makes me feel some type of way

We arrived at the company dorms of the Korean branch of this company. As soon as i kept my luggage in my room, we were informed that we'll be visiting the Han river together for an outing if the rain stopped by the evening.

The Real You || Hyunjin Fanfic [ON HOLD]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon