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Okay I am definitely not homesick right? Then why am i feeling so uneasy?

1 more hour and I'll be arriving at California but while i am in the plane i keep having weird uneasy thoughts of not being able to adapt to California's environment. I have never been scared of living alone or anything like that, but today is just..... different for some reason. It's only natural to feel nervous, what am i thinking? "You're gonna be just fine girl" I whisper to myself while vigorously stomping my feet on the aeroplane floor.

I am a person who rarely suffers from anxiety and panic attacks at present time but for a matter of fact, i do suffer. When i had my cram school back in the days, I remember rubbing my hands and stomping my feet nonstop during classes. It happened whenever i didn't understand the lessons. Back then i suffered from severe anxiety and sometimes it just wouldn't stop.

Then, I found Stray kids.

The story's pretty interesting. I remember scrolling through Instagram's tl when i suddenly saw this beautiful man with long blonde hair. I was nothing but awestruck at the sight. Normally i wasn't into kpop, even though that time a lot of my classmates and friends were into it, I just wasn't. Although the sight of that blonde man definitely changed things. His name turned out to be Hwang Hyunjin from a group called stray kids.

At first I just stalked everything about Hyunjin because of the simp i used to be that time, gosh. Gradually I started to fangirl over the whole of stray kids, it just happened. To be honest, becoming a stay was one of the best experience of my life. As i got more into them, i found how much similar i was to Hyunjin, it was like I was looking at myself but with much more talent and potential than me and ofc way more beautiful than me. So whenever i saw him, I felt like I was at peace, like I found a home and ofc the whole of stray kids gave me so much joy that i can't even thank them enough for it.


I stopped fangirling ages ago, even though they were the only source for my happiness at that time, I had to learn to be realistic and to live in the harsh reality which was exposed to me. I definitely didn't stop listening to their music though, their music comforts me beyond words. While I was completely detached from all their content, Futaba who's a fellow stay too, informed me about their military enlistment. That time it really caught me off guard but life went on just like it was.

Anyways, coming back to the plane which is now having a hell lot of turbulence, most probably because of the bad weather today, I hear an announcement saying that the plane will land shortly and we have to put on our seatbelts. My heart is beating so fast right now that it feels like it'll jump out of my mouth any minute.

I am here, i am at California, holy fuck

As soon as the landing took place i headed straight to get the rest of my luggage, yes i have severe possessive issues with my things, i don't even know why but it's just the way i am.

Apparently a guy named Kyle is assigned to pick me up from the airport, atleast that's what they told me back at college. I am walking towards the exit while looking for a signboard saying my name when i suddenly hear someone calling my name in the most american accent that i have ever heard.

"Y/n! Here! Look here!"
"Hey! I say while heading towards him
"Hi my name's Kyle Saunders, nice to meet you Y/n!"
"Nice to meet you too Mr. Saunders" I say with a greeting smile when he takes half of my luggage for me to ease up.

Kyle looks like he's in his late 20s, has blue eyes, which is really intimidating because from where i come from, it's rare for people to have blue eyes.

"Before i give you any instructions, i want to inform you that you are going to have your work experience at the branch of our company in South Korea and you'll be headed there 5 days from now along with your team Miss y/n!" He says while both us are walking towards his car.

The Real You || Hyunjin Fanfic [ON HOLD]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang