Chapter 50: Going Home

Start from the beginning

"Due to the special circumstances and it being considered self-defense, we have decided not to arrest you. Your mother has already left and before leaving, she instructed us to deliver this letter to you."

When Fu Lin took the letter, his hands were trembling.

He knew that this might be his mother's last words to him.

"Xiao Lin, we haven't talked for a very long time. When I wrote this letter, your father had already stopped breathing and was lying quietly on the ground.

He tortured me for a lifetime, but now he has finally lost his ability to control me and can no longer harm us. I am very happy, the first time in over twenty years that I have felt this way.

The last time I felt this kind of happiness was when you were born and I heard your cry - clear, loud, and seemingly full of endless hope.

At that time, I thought that I still had a chance to be happy in my life. Watching my child grow up little by little is already a kind of happiness in itself.

But later on, my mental state continued to deteriorate, and I realized that I might not be able to be a good mother. "I hired a nanny to take care of you and treat you in a place where you can't see. But every time there was improvement, he would torture me in different ways, making all my efforts and the doctor's efforts in vain.

At times of despair, I thought about taking you away from here. But because of that evil lifelong mark, I couldn't leave him for more than a month, otherwise I would die.

If I die, who will take care of you?

Now it seems that even if I stay alive, I can't take care of you properly. When you were in your teens, my condition had deteriorated to the point where I had almost lost my judgment.

At that time, a stranger contacted me and said that my child would differentiate into Alpha and become the second "Fu Lin Yuan" who did evil.

This person understood my pain points very well and successfully brainwashed me, making me put medicine in the birthday cake I made for you.

Oh, why didn't I think at that time that only he knew me so well?

It wasn't until recently when I saw him on the news as a core member of an underground drug research institute that I realized that the "stranger" was actually him.

But please believe me, Mom never wanted to hurt you. At that time, I was not in my right mind. He said there were no side effects, and I believed that this kind of medicine would not cause you pain.

It wasn't until I heard your painful cries for help that I realized how sinful and foolish I was. . . I'm really sorry, but I don't expect to be forgiven by you.

When you saw the birthday cake I made for you, there was a light in your eyes, but I personally extinguished that light.

Since then, I lost the qualification to be your mother and also lost the chance to obtain happiness.

Perhaps at the moment I met Fu Lin Yuan, my fate had already been determined, and I was powerless to resist. But you are different. Your future is still long, and there are infinite possibilities in all aspects.

When I saw you trying to disguise yourself as an Alpha, thinking that this was the only way to become the heir of the group, I really wanted to tell you - in fact, he doesn't care if an Omega becomes the CEO of the group.

Because no matter who becomes the CEO, he will hold the real power in his own hands. As a person with a strong desire for control, he will not allow others to interfere with the company he founded.

Surprise! The aloof CEO is actually an Omega [Female A, Male O] ChatGPT MTLWhere stories live. Discover now