Chapter 15: Difficult to Marry

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Fu Lin seemed to have made up his mind to ignore her and didn't send her any messages for a whole week. So she followed suit and didn't even say good morning or good night.

To use her previous words, it means not spoiling him.

Of course, she wanted to rush to him now and ask for an answer no matter what, but she couldn't be so impulsive.

After all, this game has just begun.

During this week, she studied like crazy, spending her free time either in the lab or in the library.

Li Qing originally thought he was already diligent enough, but after seeing Xia Huai Zhi's performance, he decided to give up his title as the "diligent king".

On the weekend, Xia Huai Zhi went home and spent two days as a beloved little daughter. After returning to school, she didn't study as hard as last week and tried to find a balance.

With their engagement approaching, Li Qing and Fang Xun wanted to take a set of photos on campus that they could use at their engagement banquet and formal wedding.

Xia Huai Zhi was honored to be the photographer for this couple and was now learning photography skills under Fang Xun's guidance.

She had some talent in this area, and the photos she took before were not bad. With the guidance of a professional, she made rapid progress. Three people came to the iconic building of the school together and planned to take some pictures here.

Xia Huaizhi originally wanted the two of them to pose more interactively, but Fang Xun was really sticking to Li Qing. No matter how they changed their poses, he had to stick to Li Qing.

It was like a hanging ornament.

She couldn't help but think, if Fu Lin also hung on her like this. . .

No, this is too far from reality, she can't even imagine this scene.

"Come on, 3, 2, 1. . . OK."

She took the photo, handed the camera to Li Qing and her human pendant. The two of them gathered together to look at the pictures and discussed which one was better.

Xia Huaizhi stood aside, feeling relieved for them.

When a couple with a good relationship interacted, even bystanders could feel their happiness.

After they picked the photos they were both satisfied with, Xia Huaizhi suggested, "Let's go to other places to take some more pictures. "Fang Xun responded with "Okay," while Li Qing widened her eyes and looked behind her as if she had seen something incredible.

Before she could turn around, a voice came from behind.

"Xia Huai Zhi."

She was very familiar with the tone and voice, and didn't even need to see his face to know who it was.

He had never called her before, so this was the first time she had heard him say the three words "Xia Huai Zhi."

She suddenly felt like laughing, but held it in. If she got too cocky too soon, the other person would think she was easily satisfied.

So she imitated his usual expression, turned around with a cold face, and said emotionlessly, "Do you need something?"

Fu Lin was briefly stunned, almost imperceptibly, "No, I just happened to come to the school."


Xia Huai Zhi turned back around, "If there's nothing else, then I'll go first. "Fu Lin changed his words and said, "Actually, there is something."

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