Chapter 29 Suppression

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"You. . ."

"Are you an Omega?"

Xia Huai Zhi had never thought in her life that she would say this to Fu Lin one day.

From the moment she first saw him, she felt that he was an Alpha, and that impression had never changed.

Was it her stereotype. . . ?

No, in her memory, Fu Lin's gender was listed as Alpha in all his information.

He was indeed hiding his gender.

The truth was revealed, and Fu Lin laughed at himself, "Now that you know, then. . ."

"You can leave now."

Xia Huai Zhi was frozen in place, unable to move. Although the scent of peppermint pheromones was faint, it still had a fatal attraction to her. This was the first time she had such a strong reaction to an Omega's pheromones.

Not only that, but now she even wants to take a step forward, throw herself at him, and bite his gland.

Omega's pheromones are completely different from Alpha's. They have no aggression, but they can entangle people like vines and drag them into the abyss of desire.

How can she go. . .

She trembled and said, "I don't want to go, I want to stay with you. . ."

"Xia Huai Zhi, don't you understand yet?"

Fu Lin looked up, hot sweat rolled from his chin to his Adam's apple, and then disappeared into his chest as he breathed.

"I'm a liar, a complete liar. . . I've lied to everyone, including you."

"I've never been a good person, and hiding my gender was just to satisfy my own desires, to prevent Fu Ye, that Alpha, from taking the position of heir."

"Maybe he's right about this, I am indeed trying to take something from him, and in essence, there's not much difference between us."

"So. . . Xia Huai Zhi, you might like me just because you don't know me well enough, and you've mistaken me for a good person. "After speaking out the words that had been suppressed for a long time, he sighed with relief and said, "Let's go."

Xia Huaizhi didn't think Fu Lin was that bad after listening to him. She just felt that he might have had a hard time in recent years.

It seems that his dodging and cold face were actually traceable, and he didn't intentionally give her a bad face.

He just didn't want to reveal his secret.

"Fu Lin, do you think I'm a good person?"

"Hiding my gender. . . I did it too. I'm not noble either."

She approached Fu Lin and said, "So we are a perfect match, even our bad sides match."

Fu Lin's chest began to heave violently, and the extremely light mint scent became stronger and stronger. He knew that if they didn't separate now, they would never have another chance to do so.

No. . . he couldn't just do it recklessly. . .

He looked at Xia Huaizhi, who had lost her sanity, and said sternly, "Let's go, don't touch me!"Xia Huai Zhi couldn't listen anymore, she was already tightly entangled by the vines. She could only shake her head reflexively and say, "I won't go."

Fu Lin felt a strong fear rising in his heart, a fear of Alpha.

Why? Why did he have to struggle for so long, only to end up as a weakling at the mercy of some Alpha?

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