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Ella considered 9th May 2021 as one of the luckiest and happiest days of her life ; Nick considers it the same. On that day, both of them married their first loves. It's a memorable day for those two.

She was on her way to home while thinking about the memorable incidents that have happened to her in the past one year. Only one week was left on 9th May, which would mark Nick and her's first marriage anniversary . She then started to think about how you proposed to him for marriage.

Last year, 2021, she decided to ask Nick to marry her once he came back from his tour. Nick was a singer and he was on a concert tour. She had prepared a whole romantic set up to ask him for marriage the night he was about to come home from his tour.

She had wanted to pop the question to him for a few months, but due to both of their busy schedules, she wasn't able to think of any plan. And the thought that Nick might not want to marry her did not help at all.

That night when he turned on the lights of the living room of their shared apartment, he was met with a beautiful set up in red with Ella standing in the middle wearing a beautiful red dress. She walked towards him and bought him in the middle of the room as she kneeled down on one knee and opened the ring box she was holding in her hands.

She started off with her proposal, it was not a script but she had somewhat prepared a concept of what she wanted to say.

Nick had tears in his eyes after hearing her proposal and said that he had been wanting to do it himself but in his case too, their busy schedules were both of their biggest enemies. He immediately said 'yes' after which Ella put the ring on his ring finger.

After a few days, they both visited both of their parents's houses and told them that they were planning to get married. Both Nick and Ella's parents were super happy to hear about the news and immediately started preparations for their wedding. They both took a few weeks off for their wedding and it's preparation. The wedding was smooth and quite a bit emotional too.

When she reached home and was sitting with Nick, he told Ella to pack her suitcase as he was going to take her somewhere for their anniversary. In the start of April itself Nick had told her to not plan any location for their anniversary as he had it all planned, so it was not too big of a surprise for her that he told her to pack her stuff ; on the other hand, she were excited to know what he had planned.

" But , what sort of clothes should I pack ? " she asked him, "Well, something light because it's a warm place. And remember to pack your swimsuit." he replied ; he knew that telling her to pack a swim suit was a huge hint, but he had no other option.

" Does the place have a beach?! " she asked in excitement, "Shhh ! no questions." he said as he tried to avoid any eye contact with her , she let out a little chuckle at his sudden reaction . It was hard for him to keep this big thing a secret from her, but he had to.

The other day she started packing her bags after coming back from work. Nick told her to pack her bags a few days before travelling because he knew that she takes too long to choose her outfits, make up and other belongings. She would show her outfit to him and ask if it looks good on her, if she get his approval she would again look in the mirror and see if it suits her.

7th May, the travel day –
They were busy travelling for almost the whole day. When Nick and Ella reached  their destination, Ella's mouth was left open in shock.

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