chapter sixteen, heart to heart

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"REMIEL!" ZETH WAS all smiles as the two girls walked towards the table in the restaurant. "I'm so glad you're here."

"So am I," Remiel grinned, though Livia privately knew this information to be false, considering their previous conversation. "Glad to see you boys again. Off to university! How time has passed."

"I know, I know," Zeth sighed. "Blink of an eye, and everything's over. It's like yesterday we first met you guys."

Livia raised a brow. "It was almost two decades ago."

"If you want to put it that way," Zeth huffed. "But it really was a long time."

Remiel turned to Amphion who was sitting there, staring, watching. A quiet observer, a role that he almost never occupied. He was always the one being active, but he must feel out of place in this situation. The odd one out.

"Amphion Calvert-Egerton, you're being uncharacteristically quiet."

"And you're so familiar with my character?" Amphion retorted, looking amused.

"More than most people, I think," Remiel mused as she sat down. Livia did the same besides her, and then quickly realised that Remiel had screwed her by taking the place opposite Zeth, leaving her and Amphion staring at each other.

Livia's eyes narrowed. Amphion raised one brow.

Remiel continued on as if she'd noticed nothing. "I know you kids far better than you think."

"Your sage wisdom and foresight?" Zeth snorted.

"Absolutely," Remiel said with a wide grin. Zeth had definitely been made aware of what Remiel wanted to achieve in this dinner within the last few hours. Livia was thoroughly displeased, though she didn't say anything about it. Instead, she did her best to avoid Amphion's gaze (which wasn't on her anyways) and turned to join in on Zeth and Remiel's ongoing conversation.

"What are you up to for the rest of the month?" Zeth asked curiously. The question was clearly aimed at Livia, since Remiel was leaving in a matter of days, basically.

"The same as I've been doing for the previous month," Livia pointed out. "Hang out with Brie and Lila, maybe Jason and Eunice as well."

"You're friends with them now?" Amphion suddenly interjected, looking confused.

Livia slanted him a blank gaze. "Yeah. I'm friends with them now. Is it so difficult to believe that I can actually befriend people?"

In response to that, Remiel squeezed Livia's arm underneath the table. Livia scowled as she turned to her cousin, glaring. Remiel didn't even turn her head, but it was quite clear what she'd done anyways.

"Never said that," Amphion pointed out. "You're just putting words inside my head."

"It's what you were thinking."

"Because you know exactly what I'm thinking, don't you?"

"Who knows? I might just do. I've known you for, what, eighteen years now?"

A smile, no cheer but all teeth, broke on Amphion's face. "Well, then you must just enjoy making everything unnecessarily complicated."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Livia demanded.

He responded with a mocking glance. "Figure it out."

Zeth raised his hand. "Stop it, both of you."

"Oh no," Remiel started sardonically, placing her chin on her hand. "Let them continue, Zeth. This is entertaining. Can't wait to see what kind of shit they'd be screaming at each other within ten minutes."

hexes for exesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें