In Your Ear

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➝Top Jungkook ➝Bottom Jimin

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➝Top Jungkook
➝Bottom Jimin


What happens when you are forced to go on a blind date as a penalty? 


"I told you to take care of the cupcakes and take them out on time, but you just gave my words a deaf ear and because of you I can't deliver my order on time!" Jin shouted at Jimin who just pouted as his head Hung low. He let his ass drop on one of the chairs in the booth of the café as they have been closed for the day.

"But I just left for the washroom-"

"In which you stayed for damn 10 minutes, for god knows Doing what!"

"Ok fine I'm sorry ok?" Jimin tried to apologize but the fierce gaze Jin threw Jimin's way had him instantly shut up.

"Your apology won't un-burn these cupcakes" Jin lashed out more.

"Do you even know how important this delivery was for me? It was Miss Yan's daughter's birthday party And she had especially asked me to make them perfectly, with pink frosting! She had paid me extra so that I won't be lacking anything but now you ruined it all just because you can't hold your leak of 10 minutes for 2 more minutes!" Jin's voice boomed over the café as Jimin fiddled with his fingers feeling utterly bad for what he had done, he was feeling mischievous but not he felt bad for making his elder brother angry.

Jimin saw from the corner of the eye, Jin slumping down on the chair while his fingers rubbed his forward in distress.

"Hey baby! What's up! Wait- what is this burning smell?" There came the blue haired boy, all jumping but his nose scrunched in distaste when he smelled the air filled with burned aroma.

"What happened baby?" Taehyung made his way towards his slumped boyfriend, Jin.

"Don't baby me right now Tae, I'll strangle you" Jin warned and Taehyung stopped mid way with his hands up in the air, surrendering already cuz no one likes to face Jin's wrath.

"But at least tell me what happened? Please?" Taehyung added please with a small pout which had Jin sighing. Taehyung And Jimin knew that Jin was once second away from blasting.

"He fucking burned my cupcakes cuz he decided to stay his whole damn life in that fucking bathroom for god knowing doing what, And I left to buy something while I asked him to look after the cupcakes but no? He just like to get on my nerves and do what his heart And mind desire, rest of the world can go fuck themselves like-"

"Ok Hyung breath for me" Taehyung slowly cut off Jin As he rubbed Jin's back of neck which was by now red due to all the screening he had been doing.

"I'm sorry Hyung…" Jimin mumbled as his lower lip wobbled slightly, his eyes starting to sting slightly by the developing tears.

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