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We make it to the kid's house and the parents are there as well. "Hi! You must be Noel?" I nod. "So great to meet you! We hope that you enjoy our daughter. She's taken a liking to Mischa." I smile. "I'm excited to hang out with her and help out. Misch told me how amazing she was yesterday." The woman smiles and lets us know that it's time for her and her husband to leave. We're left with the girl. "Hayley is your name... correct?" She nods. "I like your style!" I become flustered. "Thank you!" She's really nice, as expected. "So, your Mischa's friend?" I nod, unsure if her parents have taught her. "He is my significant other. My boyfriend." My nerves die down. "Oh. Cool!" We both look at each, endorsed in this small child's parents' ways. "Do you like to sing?" She frantically jumps up and down after hearing me say that. "How about karaoke?" She responds with, "YES!". This makes me really happy.

After some fun singing and partying, it's starts to get dark and Mischa serves dinner. "They don't feed you before they leave?" She shakes her head. "I told them that I can feed her." This makes more sense now. "I made some chicken Kiev. It is childhood food. You must try." I look at the soft melted butter and the golden crusted chicken. I take a piece and find delight in the flavors melting in my mouth. Hayley seems to enjoy it as well. I notice a glisten on Misch's face. I take his face and wipe it. "I have made mama happy." I smile, knowing how much she meant to him. "Yeah, you did." I say with a guilty smile. I can't imagine losing mom. We check the time. "Hayley, it's getting late. Finish up your food and I'll help you get ready for bed." She pouts a bit. but accepts her role as a child.

After putting her to sleep, we hang out on the couch, waiting for the parents to arrive. "So? What do you think?" I look at him. "She's really sweet." I say. I'm exhausted from everything today. He lays his head on a pillow, leaning on the arm rest. He reaches his arms out and grabs me. "You are tired, love. Sleep." Feeling his love, I fall asleep easily. It feels right.

I'm woken up suddenly, and notice that I'm in my bed. "Did you really manage to keep me asleep?" He's getting ready to go to bed as well. "Yes. I did not want to wake you up. You have gone through emotion that I cannot fathom." I smile hearing this. "Now sleep." I can't at the moment. "I'll wait for you." He laughs a bit. "Fine. Do not blame me if you are tired in morning." I laugh along with him this time. "Okay!" My smile, I feel is beaming. "That girl is brave. I remember missing mama every time she left and someone else had to take care of me. Little did I know I would have to learn to live without her." This story hurts to hear. "I'm so sorry you had to live through that. What's even worse, the family that adopted you didn't even like you. But you're here now. And you're surrounded by people that love you." He can't make up a grin. I know it was hard for him to adapt to the move and adoption, and then had to deal with his awful parents. I notice he changed me out of my suit pants and into pajama pants. "How awkward was it for you to change me?" He becomes red. "Uhm..." I laugh at his fluster. "I'm teasing." He seems frustrated at my games. He begins to walk over and I hold my hands out for his face. "We've had an exhausting night. You need to get some rest and lay your mind off of the pain." Small droplets fall. With a shaky voice, he whimpers out a, "Yeah...". I pull his face in to kiss him and then leave him to his sleep.

Time pasts once more. It's been a couple of months and we've been invited to celebrate Hayley's birthday. I know that Mischa is really excited about this. He thinks of her as a little sister, and it's sweet. We accept the invitation and wait about a week for the party to be hosted. "I am so happy that I can be there for her. I have been able to help with her struggles. She means the world to me." This is fulfilling to hear. His happiness is brighter than the sun. "We need a present." I say with common reasoning. He begins to freak out. A light in his brain seems to go off and says, "Ocean! She can be a vocal coach. Hayley loves singing!" I smile. "Good thinking!" I lay my hand on his shoulder. He takes it and kisses it, trying his best to be a gentleman. "If you want some time with me, you can just say that." He smirks at my comment and tightens his grip on my hand. He runs out of the room, stumbles down the stairs, and takes me to the park.

"Why here?" I question, thinking he was just gonna smother me with love. "It is nice." He now lays both hands on mine while we sit on the swings. "Hey guys..." I look over to see Allie. "Hey...? You alright, love?" I ask, knowing that tone of voice. "I got dumped again..." I'm now petting her, showing her I care. "Honey, I'm so sorry! Maybe you should just take your time. Find the right person." She groans with impatience. "But it's so hard!" I stare at her. "Stop whining. You're not a child. Love is the least of your concerns. When it happens, it happens." She begins to cry. "I love you, but please, this is mine and Mischa's alone time. You'll find the right person one day. I promise it." I hug her and let her go.

"Are you sure that was the right thing?" Misch says after some time has passed. "Yeah... She'll get over it." I look down in disappointment. "I'm sorry she wasted some time." He ruffles my hair with a smile. "It is alright. Helping her was the right thing." I accept defeat.

"Should I call Ocean?" Misch asks.
"Okay. Only when we get home though."
"I have another gig tonight. You coming?"
"Hell yeah!"
"I promise I won't drink as much."
"Good. Helping you last time was a lot of work."
"Oh, that wasn't just because I was drunk, but also tired."
"You're helping me either way, baby!" I joke around.
"How much money do we have right now?"
"Last time I checked, 23 thousand."
"Yeah. I saved my money from that year or two of France. It pays well."
"Damn. We can move soon."
"I wanna save up."

I just wanted to say I know it really doesn't take THAT much money to move, but the mention of wanting to save up is the reason as to why it's a lot. <3

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