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Mischa is getting ready to go to the house so that he can meet and take care of the little girl. He seems stressed. Unbeknownst, I tell him, "She'll love you. Just be nice and maybe dress a little more simple yet colorful?" He clearly couldn't tell what tone that was in, so he just takes my advice. He wears overalls with a rainbow collared shirt and a black hoodie to keep himself warm. I smile at him, admiring how innocent he can look when he was bashing someone's skull in the other day. Okay, maybe not bashing his skull in, but beating him up. "You look perfect!" He smiles at my compliment and kisses me on the cheek. "I will be back at around 11." It's 7 right now. I wander what putting a child to sleep is like. Probably awful.

Boredom strikes me while he's gone, so I walk into mother's room and start a conversation. "Hey." She holds her arms out for me to chill with her while we possibly binge watch shitty romcoms. "Wanna go ice skating?" She stares at me as I just stay in the door way, waiting for an answer. "Oh... Uhh... Sure." I quickly skip back to my room, hoping to have the best time ever. We haven't spent much time together ever since I got back, so I will use this time wisely. I get into warm, flexible clothes and wait for her to finish changing. "I'm ready, dear!" We meet up in the hallway after she says this and walk down, outside, and into the car. "I'll pay for it." She looks over. "You don't have to, sweetie." I put my hand on her shoulder. "Nah, I got this." I smile and repatriation my hand before she says, "Okay.".

We get the skates and tie them on and walk out onto the rink. It's been a while since ma went ice skating, but she's still able to do simple moves. "Ma, how have you and dad been? You know, dealing with each other as friends?" She looks at me, smiling slightly. "We've been doing alright. In fact, next week, we're supposed to have some family time." My eyes light up to this information. "That's awesome!" I smile at her widely. "You two really grew a bond, huh?" This question caught me off guard. I think about the time in France. That restaurant, the Seine boat tour, we really have become close. "Yeah... Yeah, we have." She grabs both my hands and we begin to spin. "I'm happy that our family is back. Maybe not totally, but it's to the point we can be happy!" I smile at her, trying to refrain from revealing the thoughts screaming behind my not-so-bright eyes. Why is happiness brought up so much recently? Am I really happy? Growing up... The stress of a relationship... Trust... It's all too much. Sometimes, I wish that I could crawl into a small hole and have everyone forget who I am, let me live a new life. One without all of this drama, and more of the broken relationships, dying in an alleyway, and all that jazz. The drama of being an adult, is a drama not worth living for.

We enjoy our time together for an hour, when I hear a ringing from my phone. It's Mischa.

✨ Amour ✨

Hey! Just gave her dinner. She is very sweet. I am asking
parents to see if you can come meet her as well tomorrow.

That would be fun! I'm glad that you're enjoying the job! :]

I do not regret a thing! By the way, her name is Hayley.

Coolio! Well, let me know if I'm able to join!

Also, amour, I've been thinking about things. I'd like it
if we could talk when you get back.

Okay. I will be there to listen. <3

Thank you. <33

"How is it going for him?" I hear my mom ask. "He's fine. The girl is really nice apparently." She frowns. "You seem upset, hun. Tell me. What's the problem?" I don't answer her. "We still have thirty minutes. Let's enjoy our time." She seems weary, but I ignore it. "Noel." She tries to get my attention. "Noel, speak to me." She gets rougher with me while I skate. "Noel, respond to me!" I skate faster. "NOEL!" People are staring at her now. She falls. When I hear the bang on the ice, I turn around and pick her up. "Sweetie..." I ignore her guilty sound. "Let's go get some hot cocoa, huh?" I help her off of the ice. Her sad face never lightens. "This day is about you and I. Not my relationship, not my drama, nothing. Us. Us only." She doesn't reply. Is she upset with me? No. She's just worried. "How is dad anyway?" I ask. A small spark of a conversation is set alight. "He got a new job. One that is much better than working for my parents. He's a waiter." I drink some of the chocolate and nod. "That's nice.". Our conversation is bland.

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