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About one week passes. It's been blissful. It's Winter break, and the holidays are coming. Of course the choir is still busy with caroling and singing at different churches. It's fun though. As much as I love Winter, I love Spring more. Suffering from allergies, I act as if I'm going to die. Everyone around me gets into the romantic mood. It's exciting. Though, I have to spend this spring around random people in France. It's exciting, but I'll be far from everyone. Mother walks into my room. "Noel, I have to tell you something. And I know you won't like it-" I stop her. "I overheard the conversation you had with Misch. I already paid for his trip, he's leaving in a week and a half. As for me, I'm legally an adult. Why must I go?" It doesn't make sense. "That, I can't tell you. But you're leaving next week. And I don't know how long you'll be gone, but it won't be for a short time." I look at her. "What do you mean? It'll only be for a couple of weeks, right?" I stare at her, terrified of what she's about to say. "Dear, he said he's taking you for a couple of years." I begin to hyperventilate. She slowly walks over to me, hugs me, and rubs my back. I hear her sobs as well. We sit there for some time, wetting each other's shoulders.

Mischa and I get to the choir room and settle down. We're the last ones there. I go and sit with Penny and Ricky, who always greet me with smiles. My favorite people! I'm gonna miss them. I hear Father Marcus say my name. "Noel, come here." I walk over to him, confused. "Yes?" I ask when I get to his desk. "Mischa and your mother have told me about the absence you'll be in for the rest of the year. I wanted to see if you'd like to spend the last day having fun with everyone, celebrating a great three and a half years of your presence." I nod my head. I'm too upset to respond. No one else knows yet. Only Father Marcus, Mother, Mischa, and I. Everyone in here has treated me only with the best intentions. I hold in tears for the rest of the class. Ricky notices and takes my hand after we have been dismissed. He takes my head and waist and pulls me in tightly. I take his shoulder blades in return and sob. With a straight face, tears stream down his face. Father Marcus sees this action and joins. I doubt Mischa would join. He has so much on his mind, it's been hard for him to express it. Ricky doesn't know why we're crying, but he still cares.

When I'm able to to leave the classroom, Mischa grabs my fore arm gently. We start walking home. He has no words to speak. "Misch, I know you're taking this situation abruptly. I want you to know that you can talk. And crying is okay, too." He doesn't respond. I didn't expect it. The way he stopped talking to me last week was beyond me. I did. fight with him about it. It was a one sided fight. I was so confused. Suddenly, "I am sorry. I can not bear being in another long distance relationship. It hit me hard hearing that you will be leaving." I wrap my arm slightly to catch his hand. I hold it tightly. "Yeah. I think handling it will be hard. You've already had a past experience. But remember: you'll see me again." He smiles. "If you wish to part while I'm gone, that's completely fine. I'd understand your decision." His smiles fades. He meets reality. "We will see how things play." He says. He's scared. I take my hand out of his hold and wrap my arm around his back and shoulders. I take out my phone and pull up pictures of us ever since we first met. We talk and laugh at all of these memories. It hasn't been that long, but our bond is strong.

Laying in my bed, I talk with Misch while he sits in my desk chair scrolling through his phone. "Hey, do you think he's nice?" I ask. "Your father? Maybe. He is taking you away from your loved ones." He clenches his fist. "True, but ma said it's because he wants to spend quality time with me for once." He looks over at me after I say that. He sighs and walks over near me. He puts his weight onto his hand, holding the foot of my bed. "When has he ever wanted that? Until recently, he has ignored you." I hear my door burst open right after he explains. "Noel, honey, you have to pack right now, you're leaving much sooner than expected.

It's late at night. Misch looks at me while I pant, looking for air to breathe. That was the quickest I've ever packed. In fact, that was probably the world record. I had to pack everything in my room. Every single clothing piece. Every valuable. I leave in the morning. He grabs my face. "Я буду сумувати за тобою." I don't know what he just said, but I know he means to show his love. I lay my hands on his. I let the warmth from his palms radiate onto my face. I will forever keep this feeling. Even without his touch, I will remind myself. "I think it's time I sleep. I have a big day tomorrow." He slowly lets go of my face as I walk away. I change out of my clothes into breezy pajamas. I go to the bathroom, take out my contacts, and wash my face. It's refreshing. I walk back into my room and see him writing. He's writing? He notices me and quickly hides the writing material. "You've been writing?" He looks at me, flustered. "Uhm, yes? Ever since I moved, I have been writing in a journal to practice my English." I smile, ruffle his hair, and ask him, "May I see?" He nods slowly, not fully sure of himself. I open it up to what I believe is page 21.

Journal Entry 21

Last night was nice. Poet and I are finally a couple. He is so sweet. I feel bad for yelling at him at the hospital. I am happy that Penny and Space Jesus was there for him when I was not. His lips are soft, almost as if I have felt a cloud. He is like the moon. He may not show himself much in the day, but when it is dark, he shows his beautiful, vibrant, true colors. I love him. Talia and I are still friends. Apparently her father has lost his job and they are losing money quickly. I am worried.

"Impressive. And I'm the poet? Am I really like the moon?" His eyes are shimmering. "Yes! You are. You are the brightest moon I have ever seen!" I grin. "Then you're the sun. You can depict passion, rage, happiness, sadness, and everything else. You die down at night, but shining in some other way, in another place." He hugs me. I gently scratch his head until I fall asleep with his body resting on mine.

My mother aggressively tugs at my arm, insisting I wake up and get ready. It's only 4 a.m. I wake up Mischa, who is still laying on my chest. I quickly grab all of my packed bags, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, take a shower, and get dressed. We get everything in the car and head down to the airport. As I get there, Mischa gets out of the car as well. "My love, you promise you'll keep in touch with all of us, right?" All of us? "Who's us" I suddenly hear a familiar voice. "NOEL!" It's my favorite red head. As she runs towards me with everyone as in the choir, tears are flying in the air and her arms are spread wide. I accept the embrace from all four of them. I notice Mischa crying on his own, trying to wipe his tears. I hold out my arm for him to grab. Once he does, I pull him into the hug. After we finish the hug, my mom goes up to me. "Honey, be careful around your father. I don't know what he'll do, but be sure to follow everything he says." Well shit. Now I'm scared. Guess I just have to listen. "Okay. I love you so much mom." I give her the biggest hug I can. I then walk to the plane, water trickling down my face.

As I wait for the plane to take off, I feel uneasy. I don't think my time there will be good, but it will be lasting for some years. I have to get used to it. The first stop is in 8 hours. This shit stinks. There are kids wailing, engines... engining? I doubt that's a word. I hate this. Those 8 hours fly by. I find a place to sleep until my second flight which then leads to France. This is completely overwhelming. These flights on fly by (no pun intended) because I can somehow sleep. I finally make it to France. The country of Romance. I step off of the plane, grab my items from the conveyer belt, and try finding him. I someone shout, "SON!" Crap. It's him.

Midnight Kissesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن