Extra I

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This will be a chapter in the perspective of Noel's mother. Enjoy.

As Noel gets ready for the dance, I hear a ring from my phone. I try to ignore it, but it just keeps ringing. I look at it. It's Louis. I pick up the call.

"Why are you calling?"

"Elise. I want to see our son."

"My son, for your correction. You were never there for him. I'm not letting you see him."

"Last time I checked, it's illegal to not let me see him. We never officially decided who had control of him."

"He's an adult."

"I will find a way to put you behind bars."

"That won't change my mind."

"Fine then, I will call your parents-"


"Aw, looks like he's mine then."

"Okay. But not for long."

"No promises, sweetie."

"Don't you call me sweetie."

"Fine. But he is still my child. You've had him for long enough, I'll be taking him for a couple of years."


"Who says? You? You have had him for all of his life. He needs quality time with me."


"Alright, have fun talking with your parents."

I put the phone down. The sprinklers in my body functioning just fine. They work on this rainy day, overflowing my eyes. "THAT BITCH." I yell to myself. He's bluffing. He wouldn't tell them. He has some form of heart... right? I hear the door ring. Noel runs down quickly calling out Ocean's name. When I ask him who it is, he says the mailman... Suspicious. I walk up behind him and see Mischa. Mischa has a speech and ya know... It was worth it. I'll give him another shot.


I talk with Mischa about the predicament I'm in with my husband and Noel. "I don't know how long he'll be gone... So please, spend your time wisely with him. He's taking off in two weeks." He struggles to keep a straight face. I start to cry myself. We hug each other tightly. "I'm so sorry that this is sudden. He truly does love you. You are like one of my own. You have your own drama and I wish I could help you with it, I do. You remind me so much of Noel only a few years back. I appreciate you being there for him." He lets me cry on him. He really is a good kid. I'm glad Noel found him.

Hey! This is a short one, mainly just a fill in because I think having some background on Elise's quarrel with Louis would make this make some sense. Noel is an adult, yes, but there is some blackmail. I might make another extra based on Elise's past and why she's terrified of her unknown secret being told to her parents. Also, reminder, none of this is canon. All coming from my brain. I really hope this series gives you a spark of inspiration!

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