"My name's Valera. Raine Whispers sent me to collect supplies for the Coven building construction project?" The demon answered, one of her eyebrows raising.

"Oh, okay! Yeah, we're here to help with that!" Luz told her, the human's hesitation disappearing.

"So, how are we moving the supplies anyways?" Eda asked Valera.

"With that wagon I got parked over there." Valera pointed at a wagon parked near one of the walls of the storage building.

"Alright, so we just have to load the supplies onto the wagon, and you'll take them to the site?" Luz asked, to which Valera nodded.

"That's the plan." Valera confirmed.

"Okay, let's get to work then!" Eda clapped her hands, and the two began loading crates into the wagon.

Valera watched as they did so, a small smirk appearing on her face.


Amity had never realized it before, but the Owl House was actually rather calming to just walk through. Especially with the sound of the boiling rain hitting the wood outside.

She sat down in a chair next to a window that peered out over the cliff the house stood on. Ghost curled up next to her, leaning comfortably on Amity's leg.

She was about to lay back and read the next chapter of her Good Witch Azura book... When she heard something coming from the balcony.

Amity looked toward the door leading to the balcony, curious what the noise was. Maybe a creature was trying to claw it's way in?

Ghost turned into her staff form, and Amity picked her up. "Not on my watch!" she declared, rushing to the door.

As she slowly opened the door, she could hear the sounds more clearer. It sorta sounded like... Crying?

Amity began to search around the balcony for any trace of what could be making the noise, all while making sure to stay out of range of the boiling rain.

She finally found the source of the noise behind a crate. Curled up in a ball... Was a quietly whimpering Collector, holding Francois close as he did.

"Collector?!" Amity exclaimed, shocked to see the star child.

The Collector looked up, seemingly not expecting to hear her voice. "A-Amity?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's me..." Amity replied, kneeling down to his level. "What are you doing here?"

The Collector didn't answer. He simply averted his water-filled eyes, curled up more, and pulled his cap over his head to hide his face. Amity looked him over. His robes had multiple holes in them. She had a feeling the boiling rain was responsible for that... Though Amity didn't know why he didn't just snap his fingers and fix it up. Did he even realize his robes were damaged?

Amity could feel her soft spot for children take over.

"Hey, how about you come with me inside? I can make you some tea..." Amity softly offered.

The Collector sniffled, "Okay..." he mumbled.

Amity held out her hand, which the Collector hesitantly took. She began to lead him down from the balcony inside.


Just as the boiling rain slowed down, Luz and Eda had put the final crate on the supply wagon, with the human brushing her hands off. "There! All loaded up!" Luz proclaimed.

"Wow, already?" Valera remarked, getting up from a nearby bench and looking at the full wagon. "Well, color me impressed..."

"So, you're taking this straight to the Coven building?" Eda asked, hopping down from off the wagon.

Owl House: Aftermath in the Boiling IslesWhere stories live. Discover now