Settling back in

Comincia dall'inizio

Alador groaned in irritation, he should have seen this coming. A small part of him wished Odalia had somehow perished during the events of the Day of Unity, but alas, here she was alive and well to torment them more.

Amity stepped up, coming from between her brother and sister. She cleared her throat.

"Um, may I ask WHO exactly is upholding this contract?" Amity inquired, a deadpan look on her face as she did.

"Why, the Emperor's Coven..." Odalia trailed off in realization, her smirk slowly disappearing.

"Oh, you mean the one we just overthrew a couple months ago?" Amity replied, now her turn to smirk.

"Well yes, but..." Odalia stuttered, but Amity cut her off; "So, if there is nobody upholding the contract... Who's stopping us from living here exactly?".

"Um, well I guess that would be my loyal Abomatons!" Odalia's smirk returned... Only to fade when Alador nonchalantly pulled out a remote from his pocket.

"You mean... My loyal Abomatons?" Alador deadpanned, holding a finger threateningly over one of the remote's buttons.

Odalia glanced at the remote, then back at 'her' Abomatons. She opened her mouth to voice another complaint, but was cut off.

"Please leave our property." Alador ordered Odalia. She looked around once more, seemingly looking for another option.

Before scoffing; "Fine! Take the manor, I don't care." Odalia snapped, before stomping off, huffing as she did.

Alador, Amity, and the Blight Twins sighed in relief.

"Well, I think that went rather well, don't you think?" Emira remarked to her other family members.

"Could have gone better, I would have preferred if dad actually had have the Abomatons throw her out of here." Edric replied.

"Who cares? She's gone, let's just go inside!" Amity said, gesturing at the manor doors.

"That sounds good to me Mittens." Alador smiled, as his kids walked into the manor beside him.

They were all finally back home.


After two very agonizing hours of lifting the couch, Luz could finally see the Owl House's roof past the treetops.

"Oh thank god, we're almost there! Just a little ways more!" Luz told Eda and King; the latter helping with the lifting best he could in the middle, holding the bottom of the couch like a support beam.

"So, you can lift a couch AND your girlfriend... But you can't lift a door." Eda snarked, "My nerd arms are VERY picky about what they can lift!" Luz defended herself.

"So, you're basically saying romance gives you the strength needed to lift heavy things?" King questioned, "Huh, never thought you'd find lifting a couch romantic, kid." Eda smirked.

Luz blushed slightly, giving Eda a look.

"No! No, I mean it's more emotionally driven, like if I'm doing something that makes me happy." Luz tried to explain, "Oh, so carrying a heavy couch brings you more happiness than fixing a door?" Eda questioned.

Luz groaned; "No! I- You know what, I give up." she said, "Let's just get this to the house please?".

"Gladly. I'm putting my life at stake here! If this thing falls on me, I'm a goner!" King exclaimed from his position under the couch.

"Imagine, if after all we've gone through, what ends up killing the last Titan... Is a heavy couch." Eda joked as they all continued to walk.

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