Donghyuck scoffed, crossing his arms. "Well that's stupid. I thought the whole point of magic was to have the power to change fate and destiny."

"A power like that would be too dangerous, and could disrupt the flow of the universe," Jaemin sighed, "magic is meant to allow us to do great things beyond our measly human capabilities, but it cannot change fate."

"Well... I don't belong here in this world anyways, so I shouldn't have too much trouble with the fate thing. I'm sure destiny wants me back in my own world more than anyone else."

Jaemin just hummed noncommittally. "How arrogant of you to assume what the goddess of fate wants, based only on your limited human capacity of understanding her ways."

Donghyuck scowled at him. Renjun and Jeno stood silently behind the queen, exchanging a glance and debating on whether to not to intervene.

"Okay, well if you're quite done being so condescending and rude, can you answer my question? Are you able to open the portal again or not?"

"I can try, if that is what you wish, Your Highness. But you will have to give me some time," Jaemin said calmly.

"How much time?"

"I'm not sure yet, I will have to gather information from the royal stargazers and see where the moon is at. Perhaps a month or two, based on the most recent moon cycles."

"A month or two?" Donghyuck gasped, "that's so far away... are you sure you can't do it any sooner?"

"I cannot, Your Highness. You will just have to be patient and wait."

Donghyuck huffed, pacing across the floor anxiously. One to two months was too long, and there was so much risk that came with him staying that much longer. The alpha traitor was still out there, and Mark was still working hard to court him. He wasn't sure how much longer he'd be able to escape both death and romance, he had barely managed it in the time he'd already been here.

But if Jaemin was right, then he didn't really have much of a choice. He would just have to grit his teeth and wait, and hope for the best.

"Yeah okay, fine. I'll wait."

"Wise choice," Jaemin drawled sarcastically. Donghyuck shot him one last glare before turning on his heel and beginning to walk away, Renjun and Jeno hurrying to follow behind him.

┈ ୨ 👑 ୧ ┈

A couple more days passed slowly and agonizingly, with Donghyuck growing more and more bored and tired with life in the palace. Since he had been working so hard to stay away from Mark and interact with him as little as possible, he found that there was really not much for him to do to entertain himself. He took his usual walks in the garden, he went to the library every once in a while to read through the occasional painfully cheesy romance novel, but other than that he was forced to just lounge around and let time slip by.

One day while he was out in the gardens, kneeling and looking at his favorite rose bush, Mark happened to walk in. Donghyuck froze as soon as he spotted him, launching himself back up onto his feet and trying to make a break for it, but then Mark was grabbing his wrist and yanking him back towards him with a force he hadn't used since the night they first met.

"Ow, hey!" Donghyuck whimpered, trying to wiggle out of his strong grip, but the king just grabbed his other wrist and pulled him in close, forcing the omega to face him directly.

"Why are you avoiding me?" Mark spit out immediately, his gaze intense as he scanned the omega's face. Donghyuck huffed and pointedly looked everywhere except the king's eyes, still weakly struggling against him.

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