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"And what exactly happened in the woods Miss. Min?"

"Me and my friends, we have this treehouse we built and we were just messing around until we heard some weird noises from outside and when Park Jongseong looked out the window he saw this masked figure. They were dressed all in black," Aera recitate what she practiced in her head, along with the others, a million times.

"Did you see this 'person's' face?" the officer asked her, his pen pausing on the notebook.

"Uhm.. no, I can't remember because I was behind everyone else but I think someone mentioned that they were wearing a mask."

"Ok," everything she said was being written down in note-form. "Explain to me what happened next."

"We thought it might be one of our mates playing, you know, a prank on us, so we all got out and tried to see who it was. The person doesn't say anything to us and we stand there just facing each other from a good distance apart. And then.. they just charged at us. And we just run."

"Why do you run if you think it's one of your friends?"

"Oh uhm.." the question caught her a little off guard. "Like I said, we only thought it was our friend. We didn't know for sure. And whoever this person was- they were carrying something in their hands and they had it pointed towards us."

"And then?"

"We just keep running, until we trip over some tree branch and the next thing we know.. bam. Doyoung's lying dead behind us."

"His cause of death was the bullet and blunt force trauma to his head. He dies within close proximity of you guys, and you didn't hear it?"

"Well, we heard the gunshot. Nothing else."

"No noises of struggling?"

"Kinda, but I think that was just coming from the person chasing us."

The officer sighed, rubbing his face. "Ok Miss. Min. You are free to go."

He pointed towards the door for her to leave. Aera curtly stood up, brushing her skirt down as she did.

She quickly rushed out of the room, glad to have had it finally done with.


"You're the only one out of your friends that happen to be severely injured," Detective Ahn said, looking down at his bandaged ankles.

"Uh.. yeah," Sunoo nodded.

"Tell me how it happened."

"We were running and then I fell."

"That's all?"


"Was this injury to your leg sustained when you all fell at the end or was it an individual event?"

"An individual."

"Oh yeah?"

"Hmm," he nodded. "I stumbled on some stump on the floor and some of them helped me run after that."

"You were able to run after that?" Detective Ahn's eyebrows peaked up.

"With the support of the others, yeah, I was just trying not to die."

"And who were those that were helping you."

"Sunghoon. Hari. Yeram."

"Hmm, ok. That's enough for now, you may leave Sunoo," she gave him the green light to proceed making his way out.

ELITES || enhypen.  [✓]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora