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"I can't believe I actually ever said yes to her," Riki muttered as he and Jake began sneaking through the halls of the Accommodate Building.

The place wasn't as sheltered as they imagined. It was exactly as 'guarded' as it had been when Dana was still alive.

"I can't believe I decided to go with you," Jake whispered back to him.

They were on their way to Dana's dorm room, she had been staying in before her death. Her parents were always abroad, either on business trips or on getaways. And Dana never liked the idea of being by herself, and so she got her parents to talk with the school and get her a room.

It was now closed off, waiting to be emptied by her parents.

"Isn't that it?" Jake pointed to a red door nearer to the furthest end.

"Is it room 141?" Riki asked, confirming the number from the message Yeram had sent him to look for.

"Yeah," Jake nodded.

They got closer and indeed it was Room 141, Huang Dana's home for the last 6 months of her life.

Riki looked around the place, making sure no one was around as his partner went to open up the room. Jake twisted the door handle, expecting it to open gently- but instead it remained closed. He tried a couple of more times, but it wouldn't budge. "Fuck's sake, it's locked."

Riki turned around, "Closed?!"


"Now what are we going to do?" Riki huffed, combing his hair back with his fingers.

"Text the girls," Jake instructed. "Tell them it's safe enough for all of us to be here- there aren't many cameras around. We can figure out the rest together."

Riki nodded, quickly taking out his phone again and messaging Yeram, the mastermind of the whole plan, about the issue.


"You're fucking kidding me," Yeram's voice broke through in the corridor, making the two boys turn their heads. She was striding up to them, Aera following behind her. "No way it's locked." Yeram brushed past the boys, trying to open the door herself- but to no avail. "How on Earth are we going to get this open?" She gritted her teeth, putting all her might into pushing the handle a couple of times.

Jake put his hand over hers, stopping her from doing so any further. "Careful, it's gonna break if you do that anymore."

Yeram sighed, taking a step back. She crossed her arms, looking at everyone in turns. "Anyone got any ideas?"

Riki shrugged, "Aren't you the know-it-all?"

"Clearly not anymore, no."

"How did we not realise this earlier?" Jake groaned. "Of course it was going to be kept locked."

"I have an idea actually," Aera hesitantly put up her hand.

"Oh yeah?" Yeram asked, everyone turning to her.

She nodded, moving past all of them to stand by the door. "I actually learnt this in summer camp when I was 14, hopefully I can still remember how to do it." Aera brought her hands up to her hair, which was tied in two messy buns, and she pulled out a bobby pin, holding it up for her friends to see.

She separated the two ends, pulling it out into a boomerang shape. Aera put one side into the keyhole, beginning to harshly move it around inside. She struggled for a bit, trying to find the correct latch.

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