Origin Of Supernatural Possibilities

Start from the beginning

: : Okay. It must have been one hell-of-a dream. I'm on my way. Gi'me ten minutes, and I'll be there.

: There was sound too - voices like music - sorrowful voices - trapped. They were faint yet near, and they cried from the living tree made of worms and skin and fleshy body parts with weeping sores; Not the alien children you have described. The voices were weeping.

These images were not a dream Max. It was a visitation. Technology. I can prove it.

: : : He tells the truth, Max. Churchman has been affected by a transient wield that touched his visual and auditory cortices. Its source is unknown, and I can not find any trace of the stream. It is either very well hidden or now gone.

: : Emma! This is super weird. You're telling us that Churchman's dream was some kind of real message?

: : : Yes.

: Yes, but not a dream.

Mother of all men. Do you recall the stories I told you before my purification? Book four with the trees of life and knowledge? Do you remember the Master of the Orb who let the beast sneak into paradise - the guardian of heaven?

We live in a time of eternal return. I do not need a chair. I need a spear. I know my place. Remake me.

: I understand Uriel. It shall be as you require.

: : Well I don't understand! Why did you call her Mother of all men? And I didn't know your name was Uriel! We're friends, you could have told me that!

: Uriel is my new name, the name that God has appointed unto me.

: : 'unto me' Sheesh, listen to you guys. Wouldn't it be great if we could all just live in the real world for a minute! Isn't that bizarre enough?! Churchman, lay it to me straight, do you need me or not?

: Yes, I need you, my friend.

: : : We all need you Max and that is why we must protect you.


Only minutes later Max had reached the infirmary. He raced over to the bed that the Churchman had been living on for these past weeks. It was still warm, but empty.

"He is with me, Max." Sensing his unease, Emma assured him, this time she spoke out loud through the SIS.

"Oh, that's a relief!" Max replied sarcastically out loud also, and still panting from his sprint to the infirmary, "So what you going to do with him now!?" He continued seriously, bending to place his hands on his knees to better catch his breath, "After all that he's been through, Churchman is confused, Emma and mentally unfit. He's not some plaything acting out a fantasy for our amusement." Max pleaded, "Please. Let him get over these delusions here in bed. He's not a well man."

"Relax, he is well and has explained much that even I had not realised. The visitor has made a mistake by revealing herself so early. But Churchman is wrong about one thing Max."

The feeling of fatigue washed over his body and Max moved to sit on the bed, his shoulders slumped as he replied, "Right-O then, I give up. Tell me, what was Churchman wrong about?"

"I am not the Mother of all Men. I am the Mother of the next Men."

Max flipped his feet up, dropped his head back onto the pillowed surface and closed his eyes, "That's great Emma. Wake me up for the Apocalypse will you?"

"That's the wrong book Max."


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