Birthdays have always been an important affair in our pack. It was a tradition. And with so many people on our pack, just imagine how many birthdays we ought to celebrate. But that didn't affect the atmosphere and mood of each and every birthday. All of them were huge fanfares.

Especially when the birthday fell on Christmas day. Double the hype, double the excitement and you get a 24 hour celebration. I wasn't kidding one bit.

When I was younger, I never knew things were different in our family. After all, I never knew that people didn't make such a huge fuss for a birthday. It was only when I went to a birthday party of a human friend of mine from school did I find out. It was an eye-opening experience for me but it also made me cherish this tradition we had.

It was my seventeenth birthday that day and things were... well, overwhelming.

There were games booth sat up in the backyard for all the kids and of course a barbecue pit as well. My mum and Rose had been busy preparing tonight's feast since this morning.

Rose had even wanted to rent those amusement park rides to be set up in our backyard. How that was possible I had no idea but I promptly rejected it. She was amazing the way she was doing everything to make me happy but some of her ideas were way over the top. To me, as long as I was able to spend time with my family and best friends, that was enough.

We woke up early this morning for Christmas presents and tonight I would get birthday presents. I don't know any other greater day of the year.

Dar had dragged me away to prep for the evening party after Lunch and by six, I was dressed to the nines in the beautiful gown we picked up a week ago.

The theme for the party this year was ballroom dancing. Don't ask me why - it was all Rose's idea.

We had started learning two weeks ago just to prepare for tonight. With high heels on, I have no idea how I was going to make it through the night.

The knock on the door brought me out of my worry.

"You guys ready? Everyone's waiting for you," it was Adri.

"Yup, you can come it." Dar replied for me.

Tonight was special. And that's not because it's my birthday or Christmas. It's because of the decision I've made.

Stop being so nervous, you'd spoil the surprise. Dar said.

How can I not be? I asked her, my stomach full of butterflies.

Relax, he'll lead you. She continued.

"You girls look beautiful," Adri commented as he approached me.

I couldn't help the red flush on my face.

"Are you worried about the dancing? I'll catch you if you fall." He teased, smiling widely.

The Beauty And The Alpha-Beast (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now