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Male Reader POV - Once James left I stayed sitting on the library rug thinking long and hard for a moment before coming to a decision.

Male Reader - H-hey Tj why don't you go back to the classroom I-I'll be there in a minute

Tj POV - My eyebrows knitted together looking at (Y/N) confused as he got up going over to a computer before sitting down.

Male Reader - I just want to print something first

Tj - Print something?

Male Reader POV - Tears began to form nodding my head I knew Wonderland don't have any printers and I've wanted to print out the picture of fluffy on my phone...before I left Earth forever.

Male Reader - Y-yeah I've got a meaningful picture on my phone *Sad smiles* I'd like to print it first before heading back.

Tj - I'll stay with you-

Male Reader - No! Please I *Tears* I'd like to be alone for awhile I'll be ok I promise

Tj POV - I began to worry but slowly nodded my head sighing in defeat.

Tj - I'll let Mr. Penner know you're coming back in a few minutes then

Male Reader - Thankyou

Male Reader POV - I saw he was about to leave but suddenly stopped placing a hand on the back of my neck before pulling me close almost causing me to fall out of my chair pressing our forheads together.

Tj - I still haven't seen you smile yet *Whispers* when you come back please give me a real genuine smile ok?

Male Reader POV - When I come back....I'm not coming back I've decided leaving back to Wonderland quietly without anyone knowing would be the best thing for me. To pretend all of this was just a bad memory of course everyone would be wondering where I'm at but I didn't care I just wanted to run away.

Tj POV - I soon let (Y/N) go before waving bye leaving the library hearing him click away at the computer.
Balan POV - After a few hours of baking all of (Y/N) favorite food I went outside on the island looking around feeling accomplished at what I've done so far. My sweet dearist is going to love his suprise.
Male Reader POV - After a few minutes I printed out a couple pictures of Fluffy and other pics along side it such as me with my old friends Conner,Drew and Natalie at the beach in Wonderworld. I gave a sad smile tracing my fingers over the picture missing the good old days where we were still friends where fluffy was still alive. Yes those days where gone but these precious memories will forever be in my heart until the day I die.
Tj POV - Once I've headed back I went inside the building soon walking down the hallway thinking to myself. "I wonder if Mr. Penner is teaching now? Was he well enough to be in the classroom again? My train of thought got interrupted as someone bumped into me causing me to moan in pain rubbing my head.

James - Sorry I didn't mean to run into you like that *Frowns*

Tj POV - Rubbing my head I saw it was the same guy that was in the library.

Tj - Oh hey did you talk to Drew? *Rubs head more*

James - *Crosses arms* I did...he-he doesn't even know what I'm talking about looked at me like I'm crazy

James POV - I leaned against the wall looking down at the tile floor thinking for a moment. (Y/N) was he telling me the truth? Of course I said I've believed him at the library and he was to sweet to lie but still it was alot to take in.

James - Where's (Y/N)?

Tj - He's back at the Library said he'd needed some alone time for awhile

James POV - I didn't like the sound of that why did he want to be alone so sudden for? It just seemed odd and out of character for him.

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