Fluffy's Passing

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Male Reader POV - I was walking down the street enjoying the breeze looking at the grass seeing the flowers about to bloom "it looks like Summer is around the corner" I smiled at the thought but then frowned remembering my friends are gone and Mr. Landers doesn't have our shared memories anymore. Even though he violated me I've still wanted to be close to him and paint the house spend time watching movies...to see him smile and be happy. The thought did terrify me after what just happend maybe it's because deep down I knew it wasn't done purposely he's just messed up in the head...perhaps his memories being gone is the best thing for his pain but still something seems very wrong I mean he kissed my forhead and has been emotional lately is his memories coming back...I might have to talk to Balan about this......With each step I've taken a piece of me remembered what Mr. Landers told me throughout our time together.....

It feels nice having company you make my house full of happiness again...

....With you here I'm not lonely

...This is your second home my door is always open for you

Male Reader POV - I was about to call Balan until I felt tab on my shoulder looking behind me was Balan giving me a worried look before pulling me into a hug.

Male Reader - B-Balan?

Male Reader POV - He hugged me tighter shaking alittle as I slowly hugged back rubbing his arms cuddling close.

Balan - S-Sweetheart I thought you were having me pick you up at the Café *frowns*

Male Reader - I'm sorry I just wanted to walk for awhile I didn't mean to scare you

Balan - Well you certainly did! It's dark outside it was unacceptable for you to leave the Cafè!

Male Reader POV - I flinched at his words but nodded my head in understandment I've should have listened and put Balan's feelings into consideration hugging tighter.

Male Reader - I won't do it again I'm sorry *sniffles*

Balan - ...Good shall we go back to Wonderworld now? I'm sure Fluffy misses you terribly

Male Reader POV - Seeing Fluffy always brought a smile to my face with his energetic personality.

Male Reader - *giggles* Yeah


Male Reader POV - Me and Balan sooon arrived back in Wonderworld stepping off the train the sky was a pretty pink with bright blue stars something you'd never see on earth. We both stepped off the train about to see Fluffy suddenly my eyes went wide feeling a chill down my spine at the sight infront of me.

Balan - D-dear.....

Male Reader POV - I felt Balan hold my hand tighter as my face went pale before turning to him speaking softly.

Male Reader - W-why are all the Tim's huddled? *tears* what are they circling?

Balan POV - My eyes went wide holding (Y/N) hand tightly understanding the situation that was going on.

Balan - G-go to the castle

Male Reader - Why?! Where is Fluffy?! *tears*

Male Reader POV - Tears began to roll down my cheek as Balan kissed them away giving me a sorrow look before snapping his fingers causing me to teleport in our bedroom. I looked around my heart beating fast as more tears came causing me to sob hard in my hands curled in a ball.


Balan POV - I gulped slowly walking over to the Tim's kneeling down as they looked at me chirping in distress. As they moved out of the way my eyes went wide in fear of the sight infront of me. "Oh no..." gently moving my hand down rubbing the fur it felt stiff tears dropping "fluffy.." gently I picked the Tim up holding it close sobbing feeling how cold and stiff the body was it has been dead for quite awhile possibly all day......after a few minutes of crying I pulled back looking at its fur inspecting around it...I need to tell (Y/N)


Male Reader POV - I rubbed my eyes feeling how red and puffy they were just then the bedroom door opened as I saw Balan slowly walk in sitting on the edge of the bed with me.

Male Reader - Where's Fluffy?! *tears*

Balan - .....

Male Reader POV - My heart broke as I began to sob speaking again grabbing Balan's arm forcefully shaking him.

Male Reader - WHERE IS FLUFFY!? *sobs* Tell me!!!!

Male Reader POV - I felt Balan caress my face while taking his other arm pulling me close as my eyes went wide in fear. The next words that came out his mouth ended my world everything came crashing down.

Balan - (Y/N).....Fluffy passed away

Male Reader - H-huh?! *tears* How?! I thought I took care of Fluffy!

Balan - Darling he was old you couldn't have done anything!

Male Reader - *sobs* Fluffy left me! Why did he leave me!?!? I thought he loved me!! *sobs*

Male Reader POV - I began to hit my head causing Balan alarm as he grabbed my hands keeping them forcefully pushed down.

Balan - Stop this at once!

Male Reader - *Sobs* I WANT FLUFFY I WANT FLUFFY NOW!!!! *sobs harder*

Balan POV - Quickly I grabbed (Y/N) holding him close as his body struggled against me my heart broke then something terrified me. (Y/N) was trying to bite himself trying to hit his head against the side wall this wasn't something I've ever seen before he was trying to hurt himself. No choice I pushed (Y/N) back on the bed climbing ontop of him as he struggled more whaling and howling in pain as I used my strength and magic to keep him held down.

Balan - (Y/N) STOP!!! *tears* I love you!! Calm down!!

Male Reader - *sobs*

Balan POV - He kept trying to struggle trying to hurt himself it broke my heart.


Balan POV - After awhile he began to calm down his body going limp underneath me as I held him close.

Balan - Shhh hush

Male Reader - Fluffy! *sobs*

Balan POV - I gently picked (Y/N) up as he cuddled close to me grabbing a nearby blanket wrapping him in it like a caccoon kissing his forhead before placing him back on the bed as I climbed next to him cuddling close. "Everything will be ok Love I'll make sure of it will have a wonderful day tomorrow things will get better"

............Everything's going to be ok

Everything's going to be ok

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R.I.P ~ (Y/N) little Fluffy ♥

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