Something Wrong With Me?

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Male Reader POV - After Detention I grabbed my phone walking outside the hallway calling Balan.

*Ring Ring*

Balan - Hey Sweetheart are you ready for me to come get you yet?

Male Reader - ...Yeah

Balan - Is something troubling you?

Male Reader - ...I'm not sure *sniffles* I think something is wrong with me

Balan - Are you sick perhaps we need to get you some medicine?

Male Reader - No nothing like that just my heart...I think somethings wrong with my heart..I don't mean a heart attack or anything like that I just feel something is taking over

Balan - ....Love I'm sure you're alright I can assure you it's mostly stress

Male Reader POV - I thought for a moment Balan did have a point I've just had a fight with Mr. Landers so it made sense. I sighed somewhat relieved nodding my head before speaking again.

Male Reader - Yeah you're probably right Balan

Balan - *chuckles* also I'm pleased to tell you that Fluffy is doing well

Male Reader - That's good! *giggles* I miss him

Balan - I'm sure he misses you to...wait a moment outside I'll pick you up

Male Reader - I will

Balan - (Y/N)

Male Reader - huh?

Balan - I love you so much

Male Reader POV - A tear ran down my face as I quickly wiped my eyes smiling.

Male Reader - I love you to *sniffles*

Male Reader POV- I hung up the phone before putting it in my pocket giving myself a big smile walking outside.


Male Reader POV - Once I got outside the building I carefully walked down the concrete stairs seeing Balan standing there with something behind his back.

Balan - *smiles* Their's my sweetheart

Male Reader - *smiles* Balan!!

Balan - I've missed you terrible so

Male Reader - I've missed you to *frowns* I was in Detention for 2 hours...

Balan - Well I've got you something to ensure that smile stays on your face

Male Reader - Oohh what is it? *giggles*

Male Reader POV - I saw Balan pull from behind him a bouquet of pink roses handing them to me as my eyes lit up blushing.

Male Reader - T-they are so beautiful!

Male Reader POV - He bowed down holding them out as I gently took them in my own hands giggling smelling the sweet fragrance.

Male Reader POV - He bowed down holding them out as I gently took them in my own hands giggling smelling the sweet fragrance

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Male Reader - Thankyou! This is very kind of you *smiles*

Male Reader POV - He then moved back up before pulling me into a hug kissing my forhead as I snuggled close sighing happily.

Balan - Shall we go out now? *smiles*

Male Reader POV - I've looked up and saw the sky was already getting dark forgetting I've had to spend two extra hours in school for Detention. I nodded my head smiling again as Balan let me go gently grabbing my hand in his holding it tightly kissing my cheek.

Male Reader - We don't need to go anywhere fancy

Balan - Shh hush now I've found us a place while you were in school

Male Reader POV - My eyes lit up Balan really did plan ahead he was always so good to me. I nodded my head as he held me close in a protective manner making our way to the restaurant in the city.


Mr. Landers POV - I leaned up against the school building crossing my arms looking down frowning. I've heard and saw everything (Y/N) and that guy was doing they seemed to really love eachother *frowns* The thought killed me and the whole situation just frustrated me not understanding why it even was happening. I sighed putting my hands in my pockets walking out underneath the building before looking up at the sky it was truly beautiful.....after a few minutes I've decided to call it a day and go home......hopefully tomorrow will be a better day...hopefully (Y/N) will feel better as well.....

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