New Opportunities

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Male Reader POV - I was walking down the sidewalk holding Balan's hand tightly as he kissed my cheek causing me to giggle.

Balan - You ready for school darling?

Male Reader - *Nods* I'm actually excited to start my new class

Male Reader POV - It's true for once I was looking forward to school going into a new class was both exciting and scary but it was a new experience. Although I couldn't help but feel at least alittle guilty not missing Mr. Landers...what am I saying? He kicked me out of his classroom and forcefully dragged me out why would I waste my sadness on someone like him? He didn't care enough to keep me around...he was cruel to me *frowns* Me and Balan suddenly stopped seeing Mr. Penner walk up to us giving a warm smile his hands in his pockets.

Mr. Penner - Well good morning to you both *chuckles*

Male Reader - Sir? You walk to school to?

Mr. Penner - On warm days like these it's always pleasant to take in the beauty around us

Balan - It truly is something

Mr. Penner - (Y/N) would you like to head to school together?

Male Reader POV - I gave a big smile looking at Balan as he rubbed the top of my head letting me know it's alright to go with Mr. Penner.

Balan - Call me once you're ready for me to pick you up

Male Reader POV - I gave Balan a quick kiss before nodding my head as he waved bye to both of us.



Mr. Landers POV - I walked in town sighing heading to the college campus taking another sip of my coffee my eyes going wide suddenly coughing seeing (Y/N) walking with Mr. Penner...did he already forget about me? *tears* not being able to take it anymore I ran up to them both calling out their names.

Male Reader POV - I kept walking with Mr. Penner making small talk suddenly hearing my name being called confused we both turned our heads gasping seeing Mr. Landers walk up to us lightly biting my tongue.

Mr. Landers - (Y/N)...You're walking with Mr. Penner?

Male Reader - Y-yeah? He invited me to walk with him

Mr. Landers - *Frowns*...

Mr. Penner - Everything alright sir?

Mr. Landers - H-hows class treating you?

Male Reader - Yesterday it was nice Mr. Penners room was beautiful

Mr. Landers - Beautiful?

Male Reader - *Nods* He's got plush carpets and cushion chairs

Mr. Landers - W-what?

Mr. Penner - Would you care to see?

Mr. Landers - ...If you don't mind


Mr. Landers POV - I crossed my arms seeing Mr. Penner open his classroom door as well stepped inside my jaw dropped.

Mr. Landers - T-this is your room?

Mr. Penner - I'm suprised you're shocked about this most teachers knew about this already

Mr. Landers POV - Seeing (Y/N) getting comfy I looked down somewhat jealous he was more cozy here than in my class.

Mr. Penner - Are you alright?

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