A Magical Journey

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Drew POV - Once I got back on campus my frown widen feeling my heart beat out of my chest. (Y/N) promised he'd stay here but for some reason the way he smiled at me it didn't sit well in my stomach.


Soon I went inside slowly walking down the hallway seeing Mr. Penner along with James and Tj standing there before walking up to me.

Mr. Penner - Drew? W-where's (Y/N)?

Drew POV - I've noticed his voice was raspy and almost scared like

Drew - He said he'd be back soon

Mr. Penner - Where is he *Stern tone*

Drew - He's over in the fields by the library

Mr. Penner - So you just allowed yourself to leave him there by himself?!

Drew POV - I never seen Mr. Penner so angry before causing me to gulp. Before I could say anything else he shoved past me as he quickly made his way down the halls soon leaving the building. "I'm sorry sir you're right I shouldn't have left him alone like that especially in the mental state he's in"
Male Reader POV - Looking up at the train tears began to stream down my face holding the pictures close to my chest shaking. "It's best I leave everything behind" Slowly my left foot made it's way on the train about to lift my other leg until my arm was roughly grabbed. Gasping I quickly turned my head seeing it was Mr. Penner giving me an angry yet fearful stare holding onto my arm tighter causing me to flinch in pain.

Mr. Penner - Damnit what is this?! Where are you going?!

Male Reader - Sir *Tears*

Mr. Penner POV - I gripped (Y/N) arm tighter like my life depended on it not caring about what I was seeing growling under my breath.

Male Reader POV - It seemed he didn't question the train and where it came from seeing his body shake feeling slightly guilty of my own actions.

Mr. Penner - I asked you a question! Where are you going!?

Male Reader POV - What was I supposed to tell the man? This was no ordinary train and he knew that.

Mr. Penner - Well?! *Tears* where you planning on just leaving everyone including me behind?!

Male Reader - I-I...

Male Reader POV - I was tongue tied unsure of what to say

Mr. Penner POV - My eyes went wide noticing the train was beginning to slowly move on it's own.

Mr. Penner - (Y/N) get off now!! You'll get hurt!!

Male Reader POV - Thinking for a moment I shook my head taking a deep breath before yanking my arm away moving my other foot inside.

Mr. Penner - (Y/N)!!!!!!!

Mr. Penner POV - It felt like my heart stopped seeing him pull away from my grip as he hopped on seeing the glass door automatically shut. The hurt on his eyes as he looked away caused me pain without thinking my feet moved on there own getting on the train towards the edge of the door.

Mr. Penner - Damnit NO!!! *Tears*

I'm not letting you go

Male Reader - S-Sir?!

Male Reader POV - I slightly backed up as he forcefully pulled the door open his fingers began to bleeding.

Male Reader - Mr. Penner stop! You're going to get hurt!! Get off please!!!!

Mr. Penner POV - Ignoring him I continued pulling seeing the door slightly open. "Come on open up! DAMNIT!!"

Male Reader POV - Looking out more I've noticed the train began to float pleading with the teacher begging him to hop off.

Male Reader - Sir you're going to fall please get off now!!!

Mr. Penner POV - My foot slipped looking down going pale seeing the train began to lift off the ground stunning me. "Just what the hell was this thing!?"

Male Reader POV - After much thought it was clear he wasn't going to let go so easily. Running over I helped pry the glass door open desperately wanting to get him inside. "This was my fault if I just went back to the campus Mr. Penner wouldn't be in this predicament"

Mr. Penner POV - As the train floated higher I began to lose my footing only for my arm to be grabbed being pulled inside.

Male Reader POV - Once I've gotten the door open I quickly grabbed his arm yanking his body inwards. The next thing I knew a pair of arms where wrapped around my body pulling me close hearing lights sobs.

Mr. Penner - Damnit what the hell's the matter with you?! *Sobs*

Male Reader - .....

Male Reader POV - I didn't say anything as Mr. Penner pulled back cupping my face feeling his blood smudged onto my cheek.

Mr. Penner - This is no ordinary train where is it taking us? *Tears* Where were you planning to go?! Just how far away from campus were you planning on going!?

Male Reader - I-*Looks down* you aren't supposed to know about this no one is

Mr. Penner - About what!? Tell me!!

Male Reader POV - I pulled back wrapping my arms around myself shaking understanding I'd have to tell him everything.


Mr. Penner POV - Once he explained things to me I grabbed my head giving a chuckle.

Male Reader POV - I've noticed the man gave a hysterical laugh causing me to back up alittle.

Mr. Penner - A-are you serious with me right now?! Magic?! Wonderworld?! *Laughs* It's a joke right?! It has to be!...but you aren't the type to lie and the train floating.....

Male Reader - *Sniffles*

Mr. Penner - ...I don't care if this train is magic you were going to leave everyone behind! You didn't even do so much as give everyone a propper goodbye!!

Male Reader - Mr. Penner I just wanted to do what's best for everyone-

Mr. Penner - You think leaving is what's best?! Never in my entire life have I been so angry towards another individual!

Male Reader POV - I heard his cries look down feeling ashamed of myself my body suddenly stiffened being pulled in a hug looking up at my teacher.

Mr. Penner - *Tears* do you understand how much this hurt me? How scared I was?

Male Reader - ....

Mr. Penner - You've had your friends worried and Mr. Landers doesn't even know what's going on

Male Reader - Sir..

Mr. Penner - What would he think? Hm? Tell me how would this help anyone?

Male Reader POV - I slowly leaned my head in his chest sighing sadly as he kept his arms wrapped around me. He's right it wouldn't help anyone all I've been doing was causing pain Balan would be disappointed in me. I gasped at a sudden realization quickly pulling back giving a worried look.

Male Reader - Balan! He's going to find out you're here! H-he will be mad at me!! *Shakes*

Mr. Penner - Shh calm down everything will be alright I'm sure he'll understand

Male Reader POV - I gulped slowly nodding my head hopefully Mr. Penner is right and Balan will go easy on me.

Male Reader - O-ok

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