Reached My Breaking Point

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Male Reader POV - I sat at one of the tables enjoying my eggs and bagle seeing Mr. Landers taking a sip of his coffee.

Mr. Landers - This certainly is enjoyable

Male Reader - Mhm!!

Male Reader POV - I kept eating my eyes suddenly went wide dropping my food as the teacher looked at me alarmed.

Mr. Landers - (Y/N)?!

Male Reader - I-*Tears* I left Mr. Penner behind

Mr. Landers POV - I began to relax giving a chuckle before taking another sip of my coffee.

Mr. Landers - Everything's alright he knows how happy you are spending time with me and never meant to be rude

Male Reader - ....

Mr. Landers - After we eat I'll take you to his classroom

Male Reader - *Nods* I hope he's not mad at me I was being rude

Mr. Landers - No it's ok he understands I'm sure *Smiles*

Male Reader POV - He was right Mr. Penner knows I never intentionally try to be rude still when we get back I really should apologize to him.


Male Reader POV - Once me and Mr. Landers where done with breakfast we walked inside going down the hallways.

Male Reader - Sir thankyou for eating breakfast with me it was nice

Mr. Landers - It was my pleasure I've certainly enjoyed my time with you as well

Male Reader POV - I soon got to Mr. Penner's room before opening the door I felt the back of my head ruffled blushing embarrassed before walking inside the classroom.

Mr. Penner - (Y/N) you're in early

Male Reader - Oh Mr. Landers walked me to class is everyone still having breakfast?

Mr. Penner - Indeed we've still got 10 minutes

Male Reader - *Frowns* Sir didn't you eat anything?

Mr. Penner - I assure you a cup of coffee is more than enough for me

Male Reader POV - His tone was alittle harsh was he mad or upset with me?

Male Reader - Sir I'm sorry for leaving you behind back at the house

Mr. Penner - *Sigh* It's fine just make sure to sit at your desk before the bell rings

Male Reader - I slowly nodded my head looking at the clock before noticing the door open seeing TJ stand there waving to me.

TJ - (Y/N) it's been awhile! *Smiles big* are you doing better now?

Male Reader - Huh? *Confused look*

TJ - You know with Mr. Landers when he had that seizure in his classroom or whatever it was

Mr. Penner POV - My back stiffened at the name eyeing (Y/N) carefully paying more attention to the conversation. It didn't seem like he noticed and it was wrong to eavesdrop but after everything I knew it couldn't be helped.

Male Reader - O-oh yeah I'm alright now I'm sorry I didn't stay in class much we didn't get much of a chance to know eachother

TJ - Hey man no problem! We can spend time together today will you be ok staying the whole class period this time?

Male Reader - *Nods* Yeah I think so

Male Reader POV - Come to think of it this would be my first time staying for a whole lesson me and Mr. Landers where on better terms but now it seemed Mr. Penner wasn't happy with me. No matter what they both just can't be happy at the same time...was it possible that they didn't like eachother much?

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