The longer the bullet was imbedded on his body the more his energy is dwindling.

Then, another resounding sound of a gun was heard, good thing for him this time he was able to dodge the bullet.

"Wood" he noted when he saw the bullet that missed him. His eyes went wide as the realization that a wooden bullet is near his heart. As he was slumping on the ground for cover, he ripped through his flesh using his bare hands to take the bullet out.

When he was successful to get it out he released a deep sigh. He raised the bullet at eye level, scrutinizing it. It was not simply a wooden bullet. If you look past the blood that covers it, markings are etched on it. He kept the bullet in his pocket for him to investigate later.

He then looked for a way out of the house without exposing himself for another round of bullets.

He tried to find the direction where the bullet came from. He saw that the window on the side of the house was already broken. So, he crawled towards the back door found on the other side of the house, away from the broken window.

When the coast was clear, he stood up and immediately opened the back door.

He was thrown haphazardly back inside by a powerful force. He hit the concrete wall breaking it, causing a resounding thud.

Before he can even recover, a large silvered fur animal lunged at him and pinned him against the rubble. Protruding metal bars from the broken wall are piercing his body. He screamed due to the pain it was causing.

The animal was not finished. It tried to snap at him, bearing its canines. He feels that it is so determined to take a bite at him. He tried pushing it off, but to his surprise, he is really having a hard time doing so. He is a vampire, a very strong one, fresh of human blood from his victims earlier that night. So why can't he push this damn thing off of him!

Feeling frustrated, he kicked the animal's belly, causing the animal to flip over and winced in pain.

He took this opportunity to run away fast, as fast as a vampire can go.

He felt a sense of relief when he was about to reach the clearing, near the falls. So, he slowed down a bit to take a breather.

But to his surprise, another resounding gun fire was heard, and another bullet struck him, this time on his legs, causing him to limp. The pain has a burning feeling. This would mean that the bullet from earlier was the same with this one.

Then another bullet came and hit him on his chest, just an inch near his heart. Whoever did this, he really wanted Jimin dead.

Jimin tried to pick up his pace, trying to bare the pain that the bullets are causing. But to his dismay, he heard a sort of gallop coming towards him. And when he turned around, he saw the silvered fur animal running after him.

"Shit!" he cursed as he tried to out manuver it. How the hell can it catch up on me? He questioned.

When they are already at the cliff, another gun shot was fired, this time hitting his back. The bullet going through his stomach. He tasted blood on his mouth. The force of the bullet pushed him to the ground.

The animal stopped as well, looking at the unmoving Jimin.

It slowly walked closer, checking if Jimin was already dead.

Then, as a last course of action, Jimin, in lightning speed stood up and jumped into the raging river.

The creature following him was not able to do what he did. So, it casually went back to the forest.

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