~Chapter 6~ Rescue

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Alastor's POV

"Oh no..Al, we have to help him!!" I heard Charlie say.

"Y-Your right. Are you coming with me?" I asked her. I saw her face, so I'm pretty sure she did want to help, but I didn't want to just take her if she didn't.

She answered after a few quick seconds, "Of course! If he's in danger, I should help him."

"Ok then. I'm going to teleport us to the studio, so be ready." I told her. I snapped, and we were right in front of the porn studio. We walked inside, and there was a small demon, who did not want us there. He had a small spear and was about to try and attack, but I just snapped and he was gone. We were in, and just had to find Angel Dust.

Angel's POV

We fucked. It was definitely one of the worst things that has ever happened to me. We were now on the couch, and Val had me pushed up against him as we watched TV. I tried to pull away from him, but he just held me tighter. The more I tried to get away, the tighter he held, and my body was starting to hurt from how tight he held me.

"V-Val. I won't try to get away again, so can you stop holding me so..tight?" 

"Oh Angel Cakes..I'm sorry, but I don't trust you on that."

"B-but" Val cut me off. "No buts Angel Cakes."

"Fine." I sigh, hoping that my bones won't break from the pressure of Valentino. We were just watching TV after all. I should be fine, as long as we don't do anything else, right?

All of the sudden, we heard some screaming. Then the door opened, and there were two figures, one significantly taller than the other. After a second, I figured out who they were. It was Charlie and Alastor! Oh thank god, I can get out of here.

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